Friday, October 25, 2013

Saturday Morning Summary


  • Prayerfully prepare to study and act on the messages of General Conference as if from the Lord Himself. Pay attention to what you hear and feel 
  • Watch, hear, read, study, and share the words of the prophets, past and present, to be forewarned; in this there is safety and peace 
  • Roll up your sleeves and become engaged in the Lord’s work of spreading the gospel 
  • Yearn to know and draw closer to the Savior through serving God and your fellowman 
  • Develop meekness 
  • With your heart and soul, yearn to become better with the help of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
  • Humbly seek personal revelation and learn to “see” how God is answering your prayers 
  • Fortify your faith and act on it; deepen your testimony 
  • Doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith 
  • Have as your guiding principle, the testimony of the Apostles and Prophets, concerning Jesus Christ. 
  • Study the Proclamation on the Family and The Living Christ 
  • Parents: talk as a family; take the lead in preparing your children 
  • Look ahead and believe 
  • Be faithful in tribulation; prepare for terrible misunderstanding and persecution 
  • Walk the path of discipleship; honor your covenants; pay tithing; trust the promises 
  • Recognize your need for and seek the blessings of the priesthood 
  • Respect one another as sons and daughters of God; work together to build the kingdom of God 
  • Access the power of God through priesthood ordinances and covenants 
  • The Lord does not require anything, but asks that you consecrate all 
  • Live up to your real potential 
  • Learn and benefit from the profound and important lessons of following the Lord's pattern of provident living for individuals, for families, and for His Church 
  • Faithfully live the law of tithing and learn to recognize the blessings. Do not procrastinate. 
  • Respect the rights of others to worship how they choose; claim the right for yourself



  • Come to be instructed and inspired; to listen and learn with the Spirit of the Lord
  • Take notes of the personalized direction you receive from the Holy Ghost 
  • Make an effort to experience conference
  • Listen to conference as if from the mouth of the Lord Himself
  • Listen with patience and faith
  • Listen and obey prophets both past and present
  • Reap the greatest blessings of conference by following this pattern:
    • Gather to hear the words of the Lord
    • Return to your home to live them
    • Ponder what has been said
    • Ask for understanding
    • Prepare your mind for the next conference
    • Return for more
  • Accept the Savior's invitation to ponder and pray to understand what has been said.
  • Go forward and do His will
  • Recognize the many, many areas in your life you can work on perfecting and get working on it
  • Study the talks in greater depth
  • In addition to personal and family scripture study; regularly study and apply what you have learned in conference
  • Trust in the Lord and heed this counsel in faith
  • Regularly study and apply the teachings of General Conference to:
    • Enlarge your knowledge
    • strengthen your faith
    • strengthen your testimony 
    • protect your family 
    • lead them safely home
  • Use the means provided by Heavenly Father to follow this counsel:
    • hear it "live" on the radio
    • watch it "live" on television or the internet
    • review it on
    • review it in the Ensign magazine
    • review it and share it on your phone, computer or other electronic device
  • Put on the whole Armor of God for spiritual protection by studying and acting on the messages of General Conference
  • Experience conference in a setting where the still, small voice of the Spirit can be clearly heard, felt, and understood
  • Prepare for Ward, Stake & General Conference by:
      • study out in your mind what you need and want from Heavenly Father
      • pray to understand and apply what you will be taught
      • sacrifice other activities; "lay aside the things of the world"
      • gather with your family to hear what you are taught as if from the Lord himself

  • If you have left the church; come back - there is room for you regardless of your circumstances, your personal history, or the strength of your testimony
  • If you are an active member; make room for people to come back and new converts
    • find what you have in common inside your hearts
    • accept the diversity of others
    • nourish the imperfect, struggling and exhausted
    • look for kind, caring, honest and industrious people 
  • Roll up your sleeves and become engaged in this great work
  • When working with others who have left the church:
    • do not assume it is because they are offended, lazy or sinful
    • understand there are a variety of situations
    • some struggle for years before leaving the Church
    • honor personal agency
    • respect those who honestly search for truth
    • honor others right to worship God the way they want while claiming that privilege for yourself
    • invite them to come add their talents, gifts and energies to benefit us all
    • nurture and cultivate their seed of faith when there are doubts
    • encourage them to "hope for things which are not seen, which are true
    • give them a sense of belonging
  • Seek the pure doctrine of Christ, the word of God and the sanctifying influence of the Holy Ghost within the Church

  • Give Christ-like Service
  • Look for opportunities to transform your talents, compassion and time into good works. 
  • Yearn to know and draw closer to the Savior by serving God and your fellowmen
  • Pray for the prophet always
  • When seeking personal revelation
    • "wait" upon the Lord; it can take weeks or months; there may be many sleepless nights
    • fast
    • ponder 
    • study it out in your mind
    • ask the Lord if what you are thinking is "right"
    • be prayerful
  • Claim your right to revelation and the assitance of the Spirit 
    • in your labors
    • in your administrations to your children
    • in your counseling of your children 
    • in your service over whom you are called upon to preside
  • When you pray for success, prosperity, growth, help in achieving worthy goals, relief from physical , mental, and spiritual difficulties - look for these answers: 
    • physical and mental stamina
    • enlarged perspective
    • increased patience
    • grace
    • conviction
    • confidence
    • resolve 
    • resilience

  • Fortify your faith
  • Have as your guiding principle, the testimony of the Apostles and Prophets, concerning Jesus Christ.
  • Remember the Lord’s declaration: For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts."
  • Do not just go to church on Sunday and listen to inspirational sermons and dream of your mansions above
  • Put your faith into action 
  • Deepen your testimony
  • Become converted then strengthen others
  • Stand strong amid the fiery darts of these last days
  • Study the Proclamation on the Family: it was prepared for this very time
  • Study The Living Christ: it was prepared for what is shortly coming
  • Watch, hear, read, study, and share the words of the prophets to be forewarned and know how to protect yourself from what is coming 
  • Do not hesitate to reach out when help is needed. You have bishop, elders quorum president, home teacher, and other worthy priesthood holders whom you can rely on to come into your home and assist you and give you blessings.
  • Learn from the past; do not live in it
  • Look ahead and believe
  • Remember: Faith is always pointed toward the future
  • Lessons from the early Saints:
    • have faith in prophetic leaders
    • be willing to leave your "City Beautiful"
    • be willing to go into the wilderness, with faith, not knowing where, how far, how long, or what the future holds
    • Know you are led by the Lord and His servants!
  • Keep the commandments in life or death
  • Be faithful in tribulation 
  • Walk daily (faithfully) with Jesus Christ to find peace and purpose in your life and to avoid many of the pitfalls, sorrows and regrets in life
  • Find healing from suffering or grief
  • Seek forgiveness, liberty and rest
  • If things that have been said or done in the past cause you to question or don't make sense:
    • have patience; you do not have all the information 
    • the entire truth will eventually be known and you will be satisfied.
    • understand that your opinion of the "facts" may end up building faith as things are investigated.
  • Doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith
  • Do not abandon the Savior; hold fast to the words of eternal life

  • ·         Parents: access youth lessons online
·         find out what your children are learning
·         make it a subject of your own study
·         discuss it as a family
·         discuss it in family home evening
·         discuss it in family council
·         discuss it in your personal interviews with each of your children according to their individual needs
  • ·         Parents: (see above list) - 
·         talk as a family; teach them of:
·         things to come
·         the commandments
·         what the Savior taught
·         have family home evening
·         have family council
·         have personal interviews with each of your children
·         also: take the lead in – 
·         preparing your children for baptism
·         preparing your children for the priesthood
·         preparing your children for full-time missions
·         preparing your children for the temple
  •  Use to:
·         study the gospel
·         strengthen your home and family
·         serve in your calling
·         find your ancestors who need temple ordinances
·         participate in the work of salvation (including missionary work)


  • Change your spiritual nature and become meek and humble so that you may have more faith and hop
  • Be good and kind, not mean
  • Desire daily to develop meekness - use your agency to focus on becoming:
·         Godfearing
·         Righteous
·         Humble
·         teachable;docile
·         patient under suffering
·         willing to follow Jesus example
·         calm;serene
·         grateful
·         showing strength
·         healthy self-worth
·         self-control
·         tolerant
·         submissive
·         desire to please God
·         recognize your weakness and dependence on God
·         willing and anxious to improve
·         avoid contention

  • Live "in" the Spirit by having your lifestyle reflect righteousness
  • Strive to change your character by emulating the Savior each day;review and renew with the sacrament
  • Come unto Christ;
  • deny yourself of ungodliness;
  • love God
  • Steps to developing meeknes
·         each day, try to be better than the day before
·         learn how to control your temper and convey feelings with patience and gently persuasion; especially with your spouse and family members
·         become humble

  • learn to accept decisions outside your control with meekness, humility, or resentment
  • reject the evil influences in your life
  • Embrace the invitation of the Lord to 
    • come unto Him
    • take His yoke upon you
    • learn of Him
    • be meek and lowly of heart
    • find rest unto your soul
  • be kind, caring, honest and industrious
  • Find greater treasures of knowledge by becoming poor in spirit and honest of heart
  • Earnestly desire to overcome your faults and tendency to sin
  • With your heart and soul, yearn to become better with the help of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
  • Receive the ordinances of:
    • Baptism 
    •  the gift of the Holy Ghost 
    •  the Endowment
    • Sealings
    •  the Sacrament
  •  Receive these ordinances:
    • to have access to the fullness of God's blessings
    • to be armed with power
    • to progress on the covenant path
    • to strengthen your home.
  • Be a covenant-keeping ward member:
    • tenderly watch over others  
    • help support their temporal and spiritual needs 
    • offer priesthood blessing to those in need
  • Honor your covenants willingly and faithfully
  • Freely consecrate all. Evaluate your level in these areas:
    • church callings
    • home and visiting teaching
    • full-time mission
    • weekly family home evening
    • temple work
    • welfare and humanitarian service
    • teaching assignments
    • 10 hours of General Conference twice a year
    • 3 hour meetings each Sunday
    • family history
    • youth camps
    • devotionals
    • scripture study
    • leadership training
    • youth activities
    • seminary
    • maintain Church buildings
    • follow the Lord's law of health
    • contribute fast offerings monthly
  • pay tithing 
  • See assignments (you volunteer for or are called to) not as burdens but as opportunities to fulfill covenants you gladly made to serve God and His children.
  • Walk the path of discipleship to receive precious blessings.
  • See your baptism as a starting point on your journey of discipleship
  • Recognize your need for and seek the blessings of: 
    • priesthood keys and authority
    • priesthood ordinances and covenants
    • priesthood power 
    • priesthood blessings
  • Show reverence for God; his power and authority by 
    • seeking priesthood blessings for comfort, direction, encouragement, and inspiration
    • exercising faith and trust in Heavenly Father's 
      plan for you
  • Respect one another as sons and daughters of God
  • We all need each other. Sons of God need daughters of God, and daughters of God need sons of God 
  • Fulfill your individual role and responsibility according to the Lord’s plan, with your unique gifts and strengths, that all may benefit.
  • Sons of God:  
o    know who you are
o    know what you have
o    be worthy to exercise the priesthood
o    be worthy to receive the power and blessings of the priesthood 
o    embrace your role and responsibility to strengthen homes as a father, grandfather, son, brother, and uncle 
o    show respect for women, womanhood, and motherhood
  • Daughters of God:
    • know who we are 
    •  know what we have 
    • be worthy to receive the power and blessings of the priesthood
    • receive the gifts given to you with gratitude, grace, and dignity  
    • embrace your role and responsibility to strengthen homes as a mother, grandmother, daughter, sister, and aunt 
    • show respect for men, manhood, and fatherhood
  • Covenant sons and daughters of God:
    •  have faith in your Heavenly Father and His eternal plan for you 
    •  have faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement  
    • believe you have a divine nature and destiny   
    • understand the importance of receiving priesthood ordinances 
    • understand the importance of making, keeping, and renewing your covenants with the Lord
  • Do not look back at your accomplishments to justify stopping your progress
  • Keep your covenant to stand as a witness of God, at all times, in all things and in all any calling
  • Follow fully and steadily, the footsteps of the Savior...accept any calling
  • Accept callings to serve, with total commitment
  • Accept releases joyfully 
  • Be not weary in well-doing; lay the foundation of a great work; out of small things proceedeth that which is great.
  • Be “anxiously engaged in a good cause, and do many things of [your] own free will, and bring to pass much righteousness”
  • Emphasize basic principles of provident living and prudent home management
  • Seek the spiritual gift of gratitude so that you can appreciate what you have, constraining your desires for what you want. This is "rich contentment"
  • Gain a greater appreciation and reverence for the Lord’s laws of finance for individuals, for families, and for His Church
  • Observe the simplicity, the clarity, the orderliness, the charity, and the power of the Lord's own way for conducting your temporal affairs when making decisions.
  • Make these two principles basic and fixed in your family: 
    • live within your means; do not spend more than you receive
    • set aside a portion of your annual income as a reserve for contingencies and unanticipated needs
  • Set aside additional food, fuel, and money to take care of emergencies that might arise
  • Learn and benefit from the profound and important lessons of following the Lord's pattern
  • Faithfully live the law of tithing - one tenth of your interest (income) annually
  • Significant but subtle blessings from living the law of tithing may not always be what you expect; do not overlook them
  • be: 
o    gratitude
o    spiritual illumination and perspective
o    a greater capacity to act and change your own circumstances rather than expecting your circumstances to be changed by someone or something else
o    an increased spiritual and temporal capacity to do more with less
o    a keener ability to prioritize and simplify
o    an enhanced ability to take proper care of material possessions
o    assurance, peace, faith and hope to press forward and prevail physically and spiritually
  • Pray for a confirmation of the principles of the law of tithing
  • Recognize blessings can come in simple and ordinary ways.
  • Be spiritually attentive (ears of faith) and observant(eyes of faith) to discern diverse blessings that may be significant, but subtle
  • If you are not paying tithing; consider your ways and repent. Do not procrastinate


  • Daniel's prophecy continues to be fulfilled
  • This is the Lord's work. He is able to do His own work. 
  • The Savior inspires and directs His servants as they apply His directions and labor in His cause.
  • The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is one of the fastest growing religions in the world. 
  • Reasons people join the church:( checklist for members, do you believe still?)
    • It was restored by Jesus Christ himself
    • He has authorized the use of His priesthood to baptize, confer the gift of the Holy Ghost and to seal families
    • They love the Savior and want to follow Him
    • The joy in the knowledge that God speaks to man
    • They feel God's power through receiving ordinances and making covenants
    • They feel His presence in His holy temples
    • They grow closer to the Savior when reading the scriptures
    • They grow closer to the Savior when living the teachings of His prophets
    • opportunities to serve
    • opportunities to put faith into action
    • blessings to avoid many pitfalls, sorrow and regrets in life
    • find great treasures of knowledge
    • find healing
    • find forgiveness
    • find liberty
    • find rest
  • Joseph Smith asked questions and sought answers; we respect those who honestly search for truth and their right to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of their own conscience, just as we claim that privilege for ourselves
  • There has been nearly 200 years of uninterrupted, inspired, honorable, and divine events in the Church.
  • The eternal truth of the restored gospel cannot be tarnished, diminished, or destroyed because of the mistakes of men. 
  • Jesus Christ lives; He stands at the head of this church; that is why He calls it "my General Conference"; You will hear His word
  • Conferences have always been a part of the true church: Adam, Moses,  Jesus Christ, Paul, Joseph Smith, our day
  • Conference is always under the direction of the Lord and guided by His Spirit - topics are not assigned; speakers receive direction through the Spirit
  • What is said in conference is not as important as what we hear and what we feel.
  • The Lord knows all the reasons why the prophets and certain conference speakers choose certain topics
  • Past prophets knew what we would be facing today; Present prophets know what we will be facing tomorrow - for they are all "prophets, seers, and revelators"
  • Answers you seek come after prayerful preparation through the Holy Ghost 
  • Only those who are humble are able to acknowledge and understand the Lord’s answers to their prayers.
  • The stripling warriors prayed for strength and deliverance but instead of more weapons or warriors they received assurance that God would deliver them, peace, and great faith and hope for their deliverance in Him. Thus, they took courage, were fixed with a determination to conquer and went with all their might and they prevailed physically and spiritually.
  • No decision of significance affecting this Church or its members is ever made without earnestly seeking the inspiration, guidance, and approval of God.
  • "The Family: A Proclamation to the World" was given long before we experienced the challenges now facing the family.
  • A simple conference message, inspired of the Lord can be received by a child/as a child and be taught to others in personal and powerful ways.
  • "The Living Christ: Testimony of the Apostles" was prepared in advance of when we will need it most
  • Being meek does not mean weakness, but it does mean behaving with goodness and kindness.
  • None is acceptable before God save the meek and lowly of heart
  • Meekness is a fruit of the Spirit and a gift from God
  • The humble are meek and have the ability to influence others to be the same.
  • Christ faced extreme physical and spiritual suffering, giving us the opportunity to change our spiritual character and become meek like Him.
  • Thanks to the Love of Jesus Christ it is possible to change
  • a man “cannot have faith and hope, save he shall be meek, and lowly of heart”; even if he thinks he has faith or hope, it will be in vain
  • One of the purposes of the Church is to nurture and cultivate the seed of faith—even in the sometimes sandy soil of doubt and uncertainty. 
  • We live in an age of waning faith when many feel distanced from heaven's embrace.
  • Priesthood ordinances and covenants provide access to the fullness of the blessings promised to us by God, which are made possible by the Savior’s Atonement.
  • Our Father in Heaven is generous with His power. 
  • All men and all women have access to this power for help in our own lives. 
  • To achieve (their) divine destiny, each son and daughter of God needs priesthood ordinances and covenants; baptism, Holy Ghost, endowment, sealing, sacrament
  • Every baptized member has a right to revelation and the Spirit of God, to assist them in their labors, in their administrations to their children, in counseling their children and those over whom they are called upon to preside. 
  •  “When men and women go to the temple, they are both endowed with the same power, which by definition is priesthood power. … The endowment is literally a gift of power.”
  • “Priesthood authority has been restored so that families can be sealed eternally.”
  • When we worthily partake of the sacrament, we can renew not only our baptismal covenant but “all covenants entered into with the Lord.” 
  • Priesthood ordinances and covenants provide access to the fulness of the blessings promised to us by God, made possible by the Savior’s Atonement. They arm us with God’s power, and provide the opportunity to return to God’s presence and live with Him in His eternal family 
  • All who have made sacred covenants with the Lord and who honor those covenants are eligible to receive personal revelation, to be blessed by the ministering of angels, [and] to commune with God.
  • We progress on the path to our heavenly home, through sacred priesthood ordinances and covenants
  • In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is found the priesthood authority to administer the ordinances by which we can enter into binding covenants with our Heavenly Father in the name of His Holy Son
  • The covenant we made with the Lord when we were baptized, “to stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places that [we] may be in” is a lifelong commitment.
  • The Lord does not require anything, but asks that you consecrate all

  • In the sight of the Lord, it is not so much what we have done or where we have been but much more where we are willing to go.
  • In the service of the Lord, it is not where you serve but how 
  • “The fundamental principles of our religion are the testimony of the Apostles and Prophets, concerning Jesus Christ, that He died, was buried, and rose again the third day, and ascended into heaven; and all other things which pertain to our religion are only appendages to it”
  • Tithing is important to the growth of the church in all of the world.
  • As we live the law of tithing, we often receive significant but subtle blessings that are not always what we expect and easily can be overlooked.
  • The Council on the Disposition of the Tithes was established by revelation and consists of the First Presidency, the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, and the Presiding Bishopric  
  • The basic financial program of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints—for both income and disbursement—is defined clearly and briefly in sections 119 and 120 of the Doctrine and Covenants.  
o    income comes from tithing  - 10% of interest annually
o    expenses are for:
  constructing and maintaining temples and houses of worship, 
  supporting missionary work
  translating and publishing scriptures, 
  fostering family history research, 
 funding schools and religious education,
  accomplishing many other Church purposes as directed   


  • He has prepared the means for us to share the gospel in a multitude of ways
  • He will assist us in our labors if we will act in faith to fulfill His work
  • The Savior will inspire and direct you as you apply His direction and labor in His cause. 
  • God will not allow His Church to drift from its appointed course or fail to fulfill its divine destiny.
  • Come join us; here you will find the words of eternal life, the promise of blessed redemption, and the pathway to peace and happiness. 
  • Young people: "I promise that if you will listen, you will feel the Spirit well up within you.  The Lord will tell you what He want you to do with your life."
  • In conference, you can receive the word of the Lord, meant just for you as the Holy Ghost gives you direct, personal revelation
  • Conference messages come to us after prayerful preparation through the Holy Ghost
  • The Holy Ghost carries the word of the lord unto our hearts in terms we can understand.
  • If you listen to (conference) as if from the mouth of the Lord Himself, with patience and faith, the promise is that 'the gates of hell shall not prevail against you;...and the Lord God will disperse the powers of darkness from before you, and cause the heavens to shake for your good and his name's glory.'"
  • If you will listen to and obey prophets past and present you will be strengthened and protected.
  • The greatest blessings of conference come to us after it is over as we study the conference talks
  • I testify that those who put their trust in the Lord and heed this counsel in faith will gain great strength to bless themselves and their families for generations to come
  • I promise you in His name that if you pray with a sincere desire to hear your Heavenly Father's voice in the messages of this conference, you will discover that He has spoken to you to help you, to strengthen you, and to lead you home into His presence
  • The resources of the church can help you walk the strait and narrow path of temple ordinances and covenants and qualify for the blessing of eternal life
  • Sisters who don’t have priesthood holders in their homes need never feel alone. You are blessed and strengthened through the ordinances you have received and the covenants you keep  
  • God will keep His promises to you as you honor your covenants with Him
  •  “For verily I say unto you, blessed is he that keepeth my commandments, whether in life or in death; and he that is faithful in tribulation, the reward of the same is greater in the kingdom of heaven. 
  • Walking the path of discipleship leads to precious blessings. 
    • Your daily walk with Jesus Christ will lead you to peace and purpose in this life and profound joy and eternal salvation in the world to come
  • When we exercise our faith and trust in Heavenly Father's plan for us, our reverence for Him and for His priesthood power and authority will be strengthened.
  • General Conference blesses you by helping you to you put on the breastplate of righteousness and the shield of faith to thwart the fiery darts of the adversary
  • we will avoid detours and sadness in our lives as long as we walk hand in hand with the Lord  
  • “Ye cannot behold with your natural eyes, for the present time, the design of your God concerning those things which shall come hereafter, and the glory which shall follow after much tribulation” (D&C 58:2–3).
  • “Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls...For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light
  •  If we “come unto Christ, … deny [ourselves] of all ungodliness; … and love God,” then through Christ’s grace the day will come when we may be perfect in Him
  • Upon acknowledging our dedication and perseverance, the Lord will give us that which we are not able to attain due to our imperfections and human weaknesses.
  • “When we with faith control our tempers and subdue our pride, the Holy Ghost gives His approval, and sacred promises and covenants become sure."
  • As you follow the example of the Savior, and sustain the prophet, you will find peace, comfort, and joy, and you “shall eat the good of the land … in these last days”
  • The simplicity of the Lord’s way that is so evident in the temporal affairs of His Church provides patterns that can guide us as individuals and as families.
  • Spiritual illumination and perspective and help are poured out through the windows of heaven and into our lives, as promised by Malachi, as we honor the law of tithing
  • I promise that as you and I observe and keep the law of tithing, indeed the windows of heaven will be opened and spiritual and temporal blessings will be poured out such that there shall not be room enough to receive them 
  •  I testify that as we are spiritually attentive and observant, we will be blessed with eyes that see more clearly, ears that hear more consistently, and hearts that understand more fully the significance and subtlety of His ways, His thoughts, and His blessings in our lives.  
  • Spiritual and temporal blessings come into our lives as we live the law of tithing.
  • “Be thou humble; and the Lord thy God shall lead thee by the hand, and give thee answer to thy prayers."

  • You make a serious mistake if you assume that conference is above the intellect and spiritual sensitivity of your children.
  • Watch, hear, read, study, and share the words of the prophets.
  • Oh, how we need general conference to fortify our faith and deepen our testimonies so that we can be more converted and strengthen each other to stand strong amid the fiery darts of these last days.
  • Though the Church has largely been spared the terrible misunderstandings and persecutions experienced by the early Saints; it will not always be so.
  • The world is moving away from the Lord faster and father than ever before.
  • The adversary has been loosed upon the earth.
  • You have been forewarned as to how to be protected.
  • "The only safety we have as members of this church is to...give heed to the words and commandments that the Lord shall give through His prophet."
  • We are warriors in a battle. We need the blessings of assurance, peace, faith and hope to press forward and prevail physically and spiritually
  • If you do not faithfully follow the path of discipleship you will not be able to avoid all of the many pitfalls, sorrows and regrets of life

  • "The Living Christ" The Testimony of the Apostles" was prepared in advance of when you will need it most.
  • There will be some things that take patience and faith.
  • You may not like what comes from the authority of the Church.
  • It may contradict your (personal) views.
  • It may contradict your social views.
  • It may interfere with some of your social life. 
  • Doubt can hold you prisoner and keep you from the divine love, peace, and gifts that come through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
  • “As I travel throughout the Church I marvel at all the positive things that are occurring. Yet I never feel that we, as a people, are living up to our real potential. My sense is that we do not always work together, that we are still too much interested in aspirations for personal honors and success, and show too little interest in the common goal of building the kingdom of God”(Perry)
  • “No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God” (Luke 9:62). 
  • Avoid the poverty of endless discontentment
  • To those of you who presently are not obeying the law of tithing, consider your ways and repent
  • Do not procrastinate the day of your repentance
  • Set aside additional food, fuel, and money to take care of emergencies that might arise. These principles have been taught repeatedly to you for decades. 
  • Live within your means and do not spend more than you receive
  • Set aside a portion of your annual income as a reserve for contingencies and unanticipated needs

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