Sunday, October 6, 2013


"We thank thee, O God, for a prophet...
                    to guide us....
                             in these latter days!

I love General Conference and the witness I receive each time, 
that God knows us and loves us 
and wants to guide us through these last days,
through his prophet and apostles and other inspired leaders. 

This blog will journal my study of their 
Commandments, Prophecies, Promises and Doctrinal Insights. 

If there is error, it lies in me and not the Word of God.

A little insight into me will help you understand the lens through which I see and hear these words.

I believe that we are in the last days of the latter days, which began with the restoration of the gospel and will end with the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.  As such, my ears are attuned to words, statements, thoughts and impressions that confirm that view. If I did not believe this way, I might not hear or "see" what I think I am seeing. 

Each person has the right and duty to pray to know for themselves the meaning of the talks that are given at General Conference. I allow for the possibility that the Holy Ghost can teach an individual a truth, even though a certain meaning was not consciously premeditated by the speaker. 

Whatever I may share is what I feel the Spirit has taught me and I do not assume that it has universal application. In any and every case, my only desire is that we all hear the call to "Come unto Christ and be perfected in Him."

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