Monday, March 31, 2014

General Women's Meeting March 2014

This is my "first pass" through the talks of this meeting and the upcoming General Conference.  Hopefully I will get back to them, but I didn't do too well with the last conference. Something is better than nothing. A reminder that my own thoughts are in blue. The rest are my notes from the meeting. Here is the link where audio, video and text will be posted:  

Prelude: "I Love To See the Temple"
Conducting: Bonnie L. Oscarson; YW General President
  • Sept 1992 - last time all yw/women attended; tonight - 1st time ever with 8 and 9 yr olds girls Historic meeting
  • Introduce brand new "world-wide" board everyone needs to feel a part of this great work, wherever you are.
  • 290 stakes represented in a combined choir ages 8 - 80 this is a collective effort; it takes everyone.
Opening Hymn: "Hark All Ye Nations" I heard this as a declaration to the world to listen to our combined voice of testimony, power, conviction, and covenant. We are on a mission to build the Kingdom of God on the earth. It will be done! The "powers that be" understand that with numbers you have power and if we respond to the call to truly, truly keep our covenants, they should be very afraid. They will not respond kindly.

Child prays later we will learn that we create our own barriers. Here we have an example of the leaders possibly saying, "we are the ones that said children don't pray from this podium...we can change that." and they did.

Hymn: "Daughters in His Kingdom"  regardless of age - 8 or 80 - we are all daughters in His kingdom. We must unite in faith and stand together in fulfilling His Great Plan. We are precious, beloved, and faithful daughters of our God.

Sister Rosemary M. Wixom - Primary General President
    • "We are daughters of Heavenly Father who loves us, and we love Him"
    • We will stand as witnesses of God at all times, in all things, in all places
    • Covenant making women - our covenants protect, prepare, empower
    • (8 - 11 yr old stand) invited to sing as soon as they recognized the tune "Teach me to walk in the light of his love" First you must stand to show your willingness to be taught and to participate; next you must listen; it must be the right source/voice; then you respond with your own voice. Others will join you in that response and the collective synergy and power will be amazing!"
    • (12 and older sing) "come little child and together we'll learn of His commandments"
    • We all walk in His light. 
    • When we are baptized we are changed forever. 
    • Listen to Holy Ghost as He reminds you you have promised to remember the Savior and keep His commandments.
    • We look to the temple.
    • Covenant girls and women:
      • witness even though couldn't speak
      • sacrifice to attend temple
      • sacrament
      • older woman - hold fast to covenants
    • Must press forward with steadfastness in Christ; perfect brightness of hope; love of all men
    • With God we are unstoppable.
    • Cleave unto covenants
I Am A Child of God - video/hymn (sung by children, girls and women worldwide; 8 countries in 9 languages)

Bonnie L. Oscarson - YW General President 
  • Just raised our voices, worldwide sisterhood, in testimony of the eternal truth that we are daughters of a loving Heavenly Father.
  • Tremendous strength in our unity; combined power of testimony and faith in Jesus Christ surely constitutes one of the most faith-filled and powerful assemblies of women in the history of the church, if not the world.
  • We are sisters, no matter our differences or different roles. We are united in building the kingdom of God, in the covenants which we have made, no matter what our circumstances.
  • To be sisters implies that there is an unbreakable bond between us.
  • Sisters take care of each other, watch out for each other, comfort each other, are there for each other through thick and thin.
  • "Be one and if ye are not one ye are not mine"
  • Don't concentrate on differences or compare. Don't be critical or judgmental.You will feel inadequate or resentful.
  • Pat Holland: "The point is, we simply cannot call ourselves Christian and continue to judge one another or ourselves so harshly...There is nothing that is worth losing our compassion and sisterhood over."
  • Relax and rejoice in our divine differences. 
  • Fact. We really and truly need each other. Women naturally seek friendship, support, and companionship.
  • Self-imposed barriers can keep us from associating with others which could be among our greatest blessings in our lives. 
  • There is no age barrier when it comes to Christ-like service.
  • Young Woman leaders and mothers need to joyfully testify to the 18 yr. old girls of the blessings of Relief Society. Feel enthusiastic about becoming part of such a glorious organization.
  • New young sisters need a friend to sit next to; an arm around their shoulders; and an opportunity to teach and serve.
  • Let us all reach out and help one another through the transitions and milestones of our lives.
  • The errand of angels is given to women.
  • If there are barriers, it is because we ourselves have created them.
  • We must stop concentrating on our differences and look for what we have in common. Then we can begin to realize our greatest potential and achieve the greatest good in this world.
  • Sister Hinckley, "Oh how we need each other. Those of us who are old need you who are young, and hopefully you who are young need some of us who are old. It is a sociological fact that women need women. We need deep, satisfying and loyal friendships with each other."
  • There is no other group in the world that has access to greater blessings than we do as Latter-day Saint women.
  • As we look beyond our differences in age, culture and circumstances, to nurture and serve one another we will be filled with the pure love of Christ and the inspiriation which leads us to know when and whom to serve.
  • I extend to you and invitation which was issued once before by a General RS Pres. who said, "I invite you to not only love each other more, but love each other better."
  • Realize just how much we need each other.
Video: Ways we love and support one another as we live covenant-centered lives.
  • covenant of baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost
  • cookies to the lonely
  • temple reccommend 
    • family history
  • study scriptures together
  • temple marriage
  • family
    • teach, nurture, pray, study
  • help young mothers
  • serve in primary
  • temple with missionary
  • temple as senior couple
  • endure in loving marriage
  • to the end
Linda K Burton - General Relief Society President
  • Reach out and help someone along the covenant path.
  • We can offer hands to help and hearts to hasten Heavenly Father's wonderful work.
  • Know your identity as a beloved daughter of God and understand your purpose and the vital work He has for you to do.
  • Do His will to know of the doctrine.
  • What do we need to know and do to live with Him someday?
    • keep the commandments; lay aside the things of the world, cleave to our covenants and come and follow Him. That's what disciples do.
  •  "perfect" means "complete"
  • You do not do this alone - cannot do the difficult things you are asked to do without help. Help comes through the atonement, the Holy Ghost, and the help of others.
  • Neal Maxwell, "All the easy things that the church has had to do have been done. From now on it's high adventure and follower-ship is going to be tested in some interesting ways."
  • You have been sent to earth in this dispensation of time because of who you are and what you have been prepared to do.
  • Your true identity is a disciple of Jesus Christ.
  • Give the gift of daily discipleship. Declare in word and deed "Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ."
  • Don't be distracted by the evil that surrounds you. Your calling at this time in the history of the world is a 'gift'.
  • Sister who was ridiculed for following the prophet's counsel to store food was told that that if times became desperate, her food would be taken and given to others anyway. Her simple and resolute response as a true disciple was, "At least I'll have something to bring."
  • Give willingly without fanfare or publicity, drawing attention to the God we worship and not yourself; with no thought of what you will receive. That's what disciples do.
  • The best way to strengthen a home current or future is to keep your covenants - with each other (marriage) and to God. That's what disciples do.
  • Let us stand together and go forth boldly - doing what disciples do, serving and loving as the Savior.
  • Disciples:
    • bring up children in light and truth
    • mentor and offer helping hands to others along the covenant path
    • listen to and act on impressions from Holy Ghost
    • are missionaries
    • are rescuers
    • are covenant keepers to stand firm for what is true and right
    • are Family History and temple workers
    • live the gospel daily in small and simple ways
    • are true disciples
  • Clarion Call "to proclaim loudly; clear and ringing; inspired"by Elder Ballard: a prophet, seer, and revelator; apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ"Between now and the day the Lord comes again, what is prophesied to happen between now and the day the Lord comes again? Read Matthew 24. What will those prophesied events require from the true disciples of Christ? Will you shrink and give up? Or will you step forward. God will need every willing heart and hand. He needs women in every family, every ward and every community, in every nation hence, the gathering of all those groups tonight who will step forward in righteousness and say by their words and actions, you must be willing to speak; you must be willing to move, to act, to serve, to sacrifice, to put the needs of others above your own 'Here am I; send me'.  My question is, "Will you be one of those women?"
  • "We are covenant daughters with a gift to give. We will teach the gospel by the way we live. It is not enough to just "know" His will and word, we must live it With each word and action we will testify. we testify because the gospel matters, truth makes a difference in our lives We believe and we serve Jesus Christ." "If ye love me, feed my sheep". We serve one another because we love Jesus and want to serve him.
  • As a true disciple, offer your willing heart and your helping hand to hasten His work." Can we just obey and serve because we want to? not out of expectation or duty? Helping hands are hands in action. We must do more to actively hasten His work. It is not just going to fall in to our laps and we cannot just think others will carry the work forward for us. Each of us must respond, like the bees in a hive. Our individual effort may seem unimportant, but it isn't. It takes each and every bee doing their part to produce the hive full of sweet honey.
CHOIR: "Lord, I Would Follow Thee; Love One Another" We should each feel to sing in our hearts, in response to the words just spoken, a pledge to follow the Lord; to hear the call to action; to love and serve one another - in and out of the church.

Pres. Henry B. Eyring: Words of encouragement and testimony, comfort and hope

  • Let the words that have been spoken go down into your heart. We don't act until we feel something about what we hear. Our heart is the seat of emotion; the place from which we act. What you have been told is what the Lord would have you hear. Just in case you are tempted to go home and say, "that was nice..." but then make no effort to change... An apostle of the Lord has just given you a second witness that you are to hear these words as if the Lord was speaking them. what are you going to do? Go back to being distracted? Rest on your justifications for why you should be exempt from the call?
  • The path you must take there is only one path back to Heavenly Father is marked by your covenants with Him. The covenants we make at baptism and in the temple mark a path of progression from the telestial way of life, to the terrestial, to the celestial. God is trying to move us out of the telestial to the terrestial, for that is the state the world and it's inhabitants must be in during the millennium. You move by your virtue of your covenants. Keeping them is not just going to church and saying your prayers and reading your scriptures....
  • Find joy in making and keeping your covenants and helping others to keep theirs. We all want to be happy. The covenant path isn't easy, but it is the path to joy. It can bring persecution, yet we can find joy even in our affliction.
  • Desire to forgive and to be forgiven. Increase your determination to do right. Time to let go of grudges and resentment. It is "right" to be determined to forgive.
  • Parents are charged with the responsibility to carefully prepare let the church programs enhance your preparation, not replace it their children to make these covenants.
  • Your divine heart is from God so you can nurture others for God.
  • You were tutored by God for the tests and trials and opportunities that were perfectly chosen just for you. The Plan of Happiness is to get you safely through those trials. I don't know why this struck me as new. I mean I have heard others suggest this is so, but has it been taught over the pulpit? No matter... to believe that you have been prepared for what you are experiencing is so comforting. We need not spend time asking "why" anymore. Just "am I responding/doing what I was prepared to do?" An eternal perspective is critical to see us through our trials.
  • You covenanted to help others safely through theirs. I know this to be true. We promised we would be there for each other. Someone needs you to keep your promise or they may not make it safely through their trial. Someone will be there to help you through yours. That is Zion!
  • You are one of the favored few who have even had the opportunity to learn of those covenants. Sit with that one for a bit. Our membership in God's church is no small thing; no small responsibility. We are not here to just sit back and feel "lucky" that we are so blessed. You promised Him that you would act in doctrine and help gather others into the garner.
  • Heavenly Father taught you before you were born about the experiences you would have; He said it again. You knew, at least on paper, what you were sent here to experience. Of course experiencing it is something different, but we understood, at least mentally, what lay before us that the way back would not be easy; that it would be too hard without help. If you feel life is too hard, then you don't have the help you need. But remember, the Character of Christ is turning outward to help another in their hour of need...even while you are in the middle of your own hour of need. It is possible that the help we give is actually the help that we need. Does that make sense?
  • Comfort and help each other - with a smile! Stop looking at keeping your covenants as a burden. Trust the Atonement to give you the strength and time to do it; that your other commitments will still work out fine.
  • Heavenly Father is pleased every time you try to keep your covenants. It's direction, not distance that matters. One of my favorite scriptures is "As often as my people repent will I forgive them." (Mosiah 26:30)
  • He sees what you are and what you may become. Are you becoming? Again...are you moving from the telestial to the terrestial?
  • The path to your potential is upward. Upward climbs take us up mountains. Few mountain trails go straight up. They switchback. But the hike is not easy and we have to stop and catch our breath from time to time. During those stops it is important to take a moment to see how far we have come. But we must always turn our face back to the remaining climb and press forward. Sometimes it is better to just look at the few steps ahead of you rather than the distance you still have to travel. Always, we have the motivation of the grand vista at the top to keep us going. If you think life is need to start climbing again.
  • You have a great responsibility to treat every person as a child of God. Think about this statement in regards to those you struggle to love; those you are tempted to judge; those who have let you down; those you are disappointed in. You have a GREAT responsibility to still treat them as a child of God; as a brother or sister.
  • Love your neighbor as yourself; Forgive them. If you are not feeling love towards your neighbor, chances are there is something you need to forgive them for.
  • Feelings of kindness and forgiveness are your divine inheritance from God, as His daughter. It is your inheritance. Claim it.
  • We are more alike than we are different. Find those things you are united on. Stand together at least that far. Then honor the agency of others beyond that and figure out how to see their differences as complimentary to yours.
  •  Understand and accept each others feelings. Before acceptance comes understanding. Before understanding comes dialogue. Before dialogue comes desire. Before desire comes our covenants. The covenant path must be traveled by both to achieve under standing and acceptance.
  •  Entering RS is an opportunity to enlarge your circle of sisters. In the gospel of Jesus Christ there are no cliques'. Adding someone into your life never pushes someone else out. Our circles only enlarge to include more and more people. Love is not finite. We do not have a bucket with only so much love to distribute. We have a circle of influence that is ever enlarging to include more and more people.
  • Children are increasing in their capacity "power of receiving impressions, knowledge, actual or potential ability to perform, yield, or withstand:  quality or state of being susceptible to a given treatment or action" to see what they can become. How is this happening? How can we tell? What is "the capacity" to see? Are our children being enabled, via the Atonement to receive more light and truth than we are giving them? Can we see what they can become as well?
  • Satan is attacking sisters at earlier ages, because they are "seeing" earlier and responding but at the same time, the Lord is lifting sisters to higher and higher levels of spirituality. Are you one of those sisters? Are you being 'lifted' to higher and higher levels of spirituality?
  • Follow the examples of great women, like Eve:
    • She had great courage and wisdom to do what needed to be done. We have heard the call. Do you have the courage to respond? Do you have the wisdom to really "see" what needs to be done, of all the things that seem to need doing?
    • By revelation this is the only way we can know for sure we are doing what 'needs to be done' she helped her family to see the path home. And what is the path? It is the covenant path. Do you understand what the covenant path is?
    • When the way ahead seemed hard, Eve saw the joy in it through eternal eyes. Between now and the coming of the Lord, the way ahead will seem hard. You are being asked to see joy in that hard way. You see it by looking at your experience through eternal Eve did.
    • She understood the Atonement made eternal life in families possible. Understand the Atonement.
    • By keeping her covenants she knew the Redeemer and the Holy Ghost the Redeemer speaks to us through our conscience and the Holy Ghost confirms all truth would see her and her family through whatever sorrows and disappointments would come. There will be sorrow and disappointment ahead.  Keep your covenants, especially in hard times, and the voice of the Lord and the witness of the Holy Ghost will see you through.
    • She knew she could trust in the Lord and her covenants. Trust will be required because we will not be able to see clearly. We'll be on the path, but there will be times where mists of darkness cloud our vision. But we trust the rod that we have firmly griped will take us through it; that the mist will eventually dissipate; that the love of God is still before us.
  • Trust in the Lord; He shall direct your paths. The covenant path is one that is directed by the Lord himself.
  • I bless that you may feel the same joy Eve felt as you journey back home. Think about all that Eve saw, felt, experienced, lost, worked at...learn to feel joy in all of it. The covenant path leads you to learn how to consecrate it all.
  • God will provide the help that you need to move yourself and others, upwards, along the way back to His presence. So you don't have to know how He will do it...just that He will. Your job is to move yourself and others UP along the covenant path.
CHOIR: Let Us All Press On Press on. Move upward. Fight for right. Know truth. Fear not. Heed not the wicked. Do not retreat. Do what is right. The Lord is on our side!
  1. Let us all press on in the work of the Lord,
    That when life is o'er we may gain a reward;
    In the fight for right let us wield a sword,
    The mighty sword of truth.
  2. (Chorus)
    Fear not, though the enemy deride; (laugh, scorn, mock)
    Courage, for the Lord is on our side.
    We will heed not what the wicked may say,
    But the Lord alone we will obey.
  3. We will not retreat, though our numbers may be few
    When compared with the opposite host in view;
    But an unseen pow'r will aid me and you
    In the glorious cause of truth.
  4. If we do what's right we have no need to fear,I
    For the Lord, our helper, will ever be near;
    In the days of trial his Saints he will cheer,
    And prosper the cause of truth.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Lay Up and Store

This talk was given in the Priesthood Session of General Conference, April 2007. I consider it one of the landmark preparedness talks in our day, and yet, sadly, so few heard it. This is my humble effort to "get some much needed water to the end of the row."

Lay Up in Store First Time Said

Bishop Keith B. McMullin Second Counselor in the Presiding Bishopric

We call upon priesthood bearers to store  Second Time Said sufficient so that you and your family can weather the vicissitudes "a change in the course of something" of life.

My dear brethren, how blessed we are to be assembled together with the First Presidency and the Twelve Apostles. Prophets, Seers, and Revelators! Each everyone priesthood bearer present, be he 12 or 112, can, because of our Savior Jesus Christ, inherit the celestial order of life "by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel."1 This is wonderful to contemplate, and I know it is true. You are in charge of your world! The church, government, your neighbor, home teacher, etc cannot save you. Each person must make the choice to obey the laws and receive the ordinances of the Gospel.
With this prospect being in charge of YOUR world and making the important choices to obey the laws of the Gospel... before us, consider the following story. A young man, full of ambition and energy, this is you enrolled in a fine university. the church At the time, he was a priest in the Aaronic Priesthood. His goal was lofty exaltation—he wanted to become a doctor like Heavenly Father. His aim was ambitious—he wanted to be rich all that He hath. He wanted to play football, so he sought out the coaches missionaries and eventually made the team baptized. Now he could have the recognition and bragging rights belong to the true church unique in the world of university sports. Such were the notions "imperfect concept, foolish idea" in his head. What was 'imperfect" in this scenario so far? I think it might be that he believed just being a member of the university and the football team was enough or gave him any right to brag. Parallel...just being a member of the church or in a visible leadership position does not give you the right to claim exaltation.  

But he had given little thought what follows, we may be giving too little thought to as well to something that would ultimately dismantle his lofty and vain ambitions the thing that would prevent him from his goal; and us —he had failed to lay up in store . THIRD TIME SAID how does "lay up in store" apply to this story so far? He had overlooked the importance of adequate preparation  for him - for his desire to be a doctor and play football. For us - food/finances/spiritual/health, the requirements "not optional" of regular "no cramming" attendance and disciplined study "not casual", and the college chemistry class left out an entire class. The consequence was swift and merciless when trial comes it will be fast and no respecter of persons. It took less than 90 days. hmmm...does this correspond with the council to have a 90 day supply of food we normally eat? It happened this way: find yourself in this story...

The day he found his 5-foot 8-inch, 170-pound he was small body on the line of scrimmage opposite a mammoth lineman the opposition was huge, overpowering from the varsity squad the enemy is older and more experienced, he knew he was in the wrong sport you don’t play Satan’s game.

Unaccustomed can’t be ready overnight to rigorous study, his eyes and mind the temporal can’t be overridden by desire in an instant refused to function after a brief time in the books.

The capstone of defeat knew he’d lost was the final chemistry exam during the test. Suffice it to say that his random answers guessing to multiple-choice questions did not even approximate the law of averages. He failed miserably we will fail if approach the same.

Hard work no way around it, a mission focused dedication that awakened in him a correct vision of life’s purposes,why are you even here on this earth right now? and unrelenting preparation stay at it no matter what eventually overcame repent now, and then keep at it the consequence of this brief period of foolishness.Hopefully it has been brief Even today, however, I still have nightmares about that chemistry class.

Fortunately, if we hear and heed the Lord has shown us how to avoid similar foolishness by following “His” plan. He said:
“Hearken, O ye people of my church us. … Hearken ye people from afar; and ye that are upon the islands of the sea, listen together we do that at conference, and it applies to everyone.

“Prepare ye, prepare ye for that which is to come, for the Lord is nigh prepare, it’s soon.”2

The doctrine of the Second Coming this our “why” of the Messiah provides one of the great incentives to prepare and live right. this is our “what” Heavenly Father knows that promised rewards encourage also our why “now” His children to do works of righteousness and promised penalties this can be your why “now” as well create a dread or fear of doing evil. Such are the revelations pertaining to the Second Coming of our Lord.3

These revelations speak of signs and wonders on earth and in the heavens. They point to troublesome "laborious, difficult; full of distress or affliction"  times and pending "coming" events vast "immense; enormous; of very great in degree or intensity" in scope  "distance or area covered" and duration. "Affect large amounts of people for a long length of time." And most important, we receive these supernal "heavenly, divine" promises: you can trust God's promises

The Lord shall have power over his saints, and shall reign in their midst.”4 our only safety. But there is more to being a "saint" than just claiming membership in his church. (see above story)

“Through my providence "for-seeing care and guidance of God," notwithstanding the tribulation even with the trouble everyone else is experiencing which shall descend "to attack with violence and suddeness" upon you, … the church may stand independent "separate" above all other creatures beneath the celestial world.”5

And “if ye are prepared ye shall not fear .”6 preparing the only way to not fear

Priesthood bearers are not "should be", but "are" led by these promises to prepare themselves and their families for the Lord’s appearing. If it’s for His appearing, then you will live through the prophesied events preceeding it 7 There is no need to be anxious "full of mental distress or uneasiness because of fear of danger or misfortune" about events leading up to the Second Coming. Let us instead be filled with gratitude replace fear with gratitude for our understanding of what lies ahead from our listening to the scriptures and prophets. Understanding what lies ahead leads to specific actions of preparation. Let us appreciate that we are in charge of our own world we can choose to be prepared. We.. MUST choose it. For we alone, will sit in that chair and take that chemistry test and we will alone stand on that front line facing that mammoth enemy. Do you "appreciate" this truth? being the Lord’s agents empowered by God to act over  that resources which He has entrusted "given to us to care for" to us.8 What are you doing with the time, money, circumstance that God has given you to prepare sufficiently for the coming test and contest? The formula is simple "not hard or complicated": Be faithful "firm, steadfast, and thorough in our performance of duty." Unencumber "anything that impedes or is burdensome; a charge (lein, mortgage) against your property" your life. Lay up in store FOURTH TIME SAID store things needed to carry on life.

Be faithful. As priesthood bearers, we cultivate "work on, improve, grow in" a gentle touch and kindly word. We are men who pray, who keep the Sabbath day holy, and who know the word of God study scriptures. We tithe, fast, and give a generous  "unselfish, large" fast offering. We keep our covenants and consecrate "dedicate" our lives to the building up of God’s kingdom.

And, brethren, we lay up in store! FIFTH TIME SAID notice the exclamation point. Notice 'lay up in store' is added to be faithful. Being faithful is not enough alone. By doing these things all of them, “the Lord shall have power over his saints, and shall reign in [our] midst.”9 the are doing "these things." Doing these things is what makes you a "saint".

Unencumber your life. As men of God, we turn from excess "above what is necessary" to that which edifies "intellectual, moral, or spiritual improvement", for “that which doth not edify is not of God.Do we want to be found doing/having those things that are not of God?10 If dealings "business" or involvements "bound up with things difficult to get out of" or pursuits "something engaged in regularly like a hobby" or schedules "plan and order for our day" detract "draw away, divert, distract" from putting God first, we must not an option pare back "reduce or remove" and unencumber our lives.11 If we have debts, we pay them and live debt free to the extent possible.

And, brethren, we lay up in store! SIXTH TIME SAID exclamation point; ADDED to being faithful and unencumbering your life. These two are not enough. You still must lay up in store!Then, “through [the Lord’s] providence, notwithstanding the tribulation "severe trial or suffering" … the church [and its people will] stand independent.”12 "not influenced, controlled or relying on others for support"

Lay up in store SEVENTH TIME SAID. Wives are instrumental "acting as a means, useful, helpful" in this work, but they need  "require" husbands who lead  "to guide in direction, course, action or opinion" out in family preparedness. Children need parents who instill   "to infuse slowly or gradually into the mind or feelings" in them this righteous tradition. "long-established way of thinking and acting" They will then do likewise with their children, and their stores will not fail. If not for you, then for your children and grandchildren.

A cardinal "of prime importance" principle of the gospel is to prepare for the day of scarcity "shortness of supply, want, lack". Work , industry "energetic, devoted activity", frugality "prudently saving, not wasteful" are part of the royal order of life.At the beginning of this talk he used the phrase the "celestial order of life". Here he says "royal order of life". I am inclined to believe they are the same things. Learning and living these things will be part of our celestial way of life. When we enter the Celestial Room in the temple we are symbolically entering the celestial order of on earth (for we wear a reminder that we are still mortal while in that room). It is not about a future day and time. The invitation is for today. here. now. Remember don’t forget these words from Paul: “If any provide not for his own, and especially for those of his own house, take care of your own! . he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.”13 "without faith, rejects their religion"Pres. Kimball and Pres. Hinckley have quoted this verse as well. We must each provide for our own. Do not rely on the church, or your neighbor, or your ward or stake. 

Seated before us are the three presiding high priests authorized witnesses; "in the mouth of two or three witnesses will every word be established". He is invoking the law of witnesses here. It will stand as a testimony for or against us at the last day. who constitute the First Presidency of the Church.

From President James E. Faust, Second Counselor, we hear: “Every father and mother are the family’s storekeepers. They should store whatever their own family would like to have in the case of an emergency … [and] God will sustain "support, to keep from giving way, supply," us through our trials.”14  "a state of pain or anguish that tests patience, endurance, or belief" Why store whatever you would like? Because that is what you will have...what you alone store. can go join some government breadline and receive much much less than that which your own family would like. Whose sustaining hand would rather have in your day of want? God's...or man's?

From President Thomas S. Monson, First Counselor, we hear: “Many more people could ride out the storm-tossed waves in their economic lives if they had their year’s supply of food … and were debt-free. Today we find that many have followed this counsel in reverse: they have at least a year’s supply of debt and are food-free.”15 Here is a trial that comes from the impact of our finances. If your income stops...could you still eat? What could cut off that income? What if that income suddenly doesn't stretch as far? What if there is an illness or accident that impacts your day to day income?

From President Gordon B. Hinckley, the Lord’s prophet, we hear:

The best place to have some food set aside is within our homes. …
 Just in case you were thinking it was someplace else...the store, the bishop's storehouse, your neighbor...
“We can begin ever so modestly. We can begin with a one week’s food supply and gradually build it to a month, and then to three months. … I fear that so many feel that a long-term food supply is so far beyond their reach that they make no effort at all. Why does this reality cause him to fear? Remember...he is a seer. Is it because he see the coming day of want? Or is it because we are being disobedient and not hearing and obeying the voice of the Lord?
“Begin in a small way, … and gradually build toward a reasonable objective.”16 He just gave even the widow, with only two mites, permission to do something, however small, in faith and diligence.

Inspired "guided and controlled by divine influence" preparation rests on the foundation of faith in Jesus Christ, obedience, and a provident lifestyle. Members should not go to extremes,"far beyond the norm" but they should begin. Must do something; begin..then press forward with faith, in obedience and action aligned with your belief.
We call upon priesthood bearers to store sufficient "enough" so that you and your family can weather the vicissitudes "a change in the course of something" of life. Please see to it that those entrusted to your watchcare receive these two pamphlets See Notes entitled All Is Safely Gathered In. Exhort "urge, advise, caution ernestly" them to prepare now not tomorrow, next year, for rainy days ahead. They are coming (here)

Priesthood leaders, enlist the Relief Society in promoting family preparedness and homemaking. The women of the Church need your backing and will respond to your leadership. Have we done this?

Encourage our members to regularly put into their home storage a few wholesome, basic food items and some water that is safe to drink. They should save some money, if only a few coins each week. This modest "limited, not showy" approach will soon act will need it soon enable them to have several months’ reserve. Over time they can expand these modest efforts into a longer-term supply by adding such essentials as grains, legumes, and other staples that will keep them alive in case they do not have anything else to eat.17 It has been 84 months since this talk was given. Sufficient time for even "modest efforts" to add up.
As we do our very best, very best...we can be confident that “the barrel of meal shall not waste, neither shall the cruse of oil fail.”18 We shall enjoy greater wisdom, security, peace of mind, and personal well-being. We shall be prepared, and because we are prepared, we “shall not fear.”19 Great promises! Are these not sufficient motivation to act in faith? Today?

In closing, I introduce to you the Luca and Patrizia Vaccarono family. They live in a small town near Rome, Italy. In a recent letter, they wrote:

We decided after some experience what was this experience? Are you practicing so that you too can learn from experience what works and what doesn't? that it is important to store the items we use. There are a lot of reasons why this may be important. Comfort, less stress, body chemistry...Sometimes we have to modify our habits in eating certain kinds of foods. …explore the meaning of this sentence. In the case of storage, many of the foods we use daily are not conducive to long term storage. We need to get used to eating some of these other foods. Bring them into our circle of comfort.

“The feeling of peace no outside person or circumstance can give you this. It comes from God and the desire to be faithful no matter where we are in our path to self reliance, we can all have a desire to be faithful to the commandment given by the Lord through the modern prophet helps us feel the Holy Spirit,which will guide usto not be afraid,though we walk on water through a storm-tossed sea and to see that the signs of the time for the Second Coming of the Lord many of which are temporal is a blessing and not something to fear. We rejoice in it. … It gives us the motivation to be faithful and endure to the end and to be saved and obtain eternal life.”20 Keep your eye on the Savior...not the storm.

As a final thought, Brother Vaccarono writes: “I’m sorry for my English. I hope you understand what I tried to explain to you.” Brother and Sister Vaccarono, we understand, for it is written in scripture: “Trust "confident expectation of something" in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. Don’t rely on when you think it’s time to prepare…In all thy ways the things you do acknowledge "express gratitude; recognize truth or fact" him, and he shall direct thy paths.”2" "a narrow walk, a course of action" He will show you what to do.  In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Links to the two pamphlets mentioned:
Church’s Prepareness Web Page

1. Articles of Faith 1:3.
2. D&C 1:1, 12.
3. See Bruce R. McConkie, Doctrinal New Testament Commentary, 3 vols. (1966–73), 1:677–78.
4. D&C 1:36.
5. D&C 78:14.
6. D&C 38:30.
7. See 2 Timothy 4:8; D&C 133:50, 52.
8. See D&C 104:13–17.
9. D&C 1:36.
10. D&C 50:23.
11. See Doctrinal New Testament Commentary, 1:675–76; Joseph Smith Translation, Matthew 6:38.
12. D&C 78:14.
13. 1 Timothy 5:8; see also 1 Timothy 6:19; D&C 29:34; "The Family: A Proclamation to the World," Liahona, Oct. 2004, 49; Ensign, Nov. 1995, 102; Joseph F. Smith, in Conference Report, Oct. 1900, 46; Bruce R. McConkie, The Mortal Messiah: From Bethlehem to Calvary, 4 vols. (1979–81), 2:155.
14. "The Responsibility for Welfare Rests with Me and My Family," Ensign, May 1986, 22.
15. "That Noble Gift—Love at Home," Church News, May 12, 2001, 7.
16. "To Men of the Priesthood," Liahona and Ensign, Nov. 2002, 58.
17. See The Teachings of Harold B. Lee, ed. Clyde J. Williams (1996), 314.
18. 1 Kings 17:14; see also vv. 8–16.
19. D&C 38:30.
20. Letter dated Mar. 3, 2007.
21. Proverbs 3:5–6.

 What is Self-Reliance? The following is "the world" you are in charge of....

Self-Reliance and Family Well-Being
·         Employment
·         Finances
    • Pay tithes and Offerings
    • Avoid Debt
    • Distinguish between wants and needs
    • Use a budget
    • Teach Family Members
·         Gardening
·         Home Storage
    • 3 month supply
    • Water
    • Longer-term Supply
    • Financial Reserve
·         Physical Health
    • The Word of Wisdom and Physical Health
    • Nutrition and Diet
    • Exercise and Fitness
    • Sleep and Rest
    • Managing  Personal Health
    • Basic Physical Health with Limited Resources

·         Social and Emotional Strength
    • Addiction and Substance abuse
    • Pregnancy and Adoption
    • Parenting Issues
    • Marital Issues/Divorce
    • Grieving
    • Emotional and Mental Problems
    • Eating disorders
    • Stress
    • Pornography
·         Combating Pornography
·         Education
    • Study the scriptures and other good books
    • Improve your ability to read, write and do basic math
    • Learn to communicate effectively with others
    • Obtain formal education or equivalent training necessary for employment
    • Take advantage of other opportunities to gain more knowledge
·         Emergency Preparedness
    • Same as “Home Storage” above plus:
    • Medication and first aid supplies
    • Clothing and bedding
    • Important documents
    • Communication in a disaster