Wednesday, July 20, 2016

True to the Faith of Our Forefathers - First Presidency Message July 2016

This is my own "unpacking" of this message. I do not speak for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Read, ponder and pray to be taught personally what this message means for you.

John Linford was 43 the age represents “now”. If the story were of a child or aged person it would have represented the past or future. when he and his wife, Maria, and three of their sons made the decision to leave their home you will have the same decision to make. You will want your family to come in Gravely, England, to journey thousands of miles to join the Saints in the valley of the Great Salt Lake. you will be asked to make a journey to gather with the saints They left behind their fourth son, who was serving a mission, some of you will still have missionaries serving sold their belongings, follow the prompting to sell you belongings and took passage in Liverpool aboard the ship Thornton. Your ship will be “the good ship Zion”

The journey by sea to New York City, and thence by land to Iowa, proved uneventful. If you leave when first asked, it will be relatively “uneventful” if you are prepared. Troubles began, however, shortly trouble begins shortly after the first invitation to gather after the Linfords and other Latter-day Saints there will be saints who leave “late” who had sailed on the Thornton left Iowa City on July 15, 1856, as part of the ill-fated James G. Willie handcart company.

The harsh weather and arduous travel if you leave “late” or unprepared, you will face winter conditions and your trip will be much harder took their toll on many in the company, including John. He eventually became so ill and weak that he had to be pulled in a handcart. By the time the company reached Wyoming, his condition had deteriorated significantly. A rescue team from Salt Lake City arrived on October 21, just hours after John’s mortal journey ended. He had died early that morning near the banks of the Sweetwater River. Not everyone will survive

Was John sorry he had traded comfort and ease yes, you will be trading perceived comfort and ease for struggle, privation and hardship for the struggles, privations, and hardships of taking his family to Zion? But you are bound for Zion.

“No, Maria,” he told his wife just before he died. “I am glad we came. I shall not live to reach Salt Lake, but you and the boys will, and I do not regret all we have gone through if our boys can grow up and raise their families in Zion.”1 No price is too high to seek for yourself and your children, the blessings of Zion.

Maria and her sons completed their journey. Many will complete the journey. When Maria passed away nearly 30 years later, she and John left behind a legacy of faith, of service, of devotion, and of sacrifice. We honor those who die in the journey by living lives of faith, service, devotion and sacrifice.

To be a Latter-day Saint is to be a pioneer, you will be a pioneer; it’s part of your heritage and destiny for the definition of a pioneer is “one who goes before to prepare or open up the way for others to follow.”2 Those who leave first will be the real pioneers as they prepare the way for others to follow And to be a pioneer is to become acquainted with sacrifice. You will sacrifice and sacrifice, from the moment you decide to prepare, then to leave, then to share, then to endure…Although members of the Church are no longer asked to leave their homes to make the journey to Zion, Right now. Zion is all over the world. We don’t “go to Zion” right now, we “become a Zion person” so that when Zion is once again a center place, we’ll be worthy to enter. they often must leave behind old habits, longtime customs, as we repent of old habits, longtime customs (which are often weaved with the “false traditions of our fathers” and “the philosophies of men, mingled with scripture” which lead to unbelief in “true doctrine” and real faith and real power in the priesthood,) we become clean and sanctified and “pure in heart” – Zion and cherished friends. Most of your cherished friends will not choose to go. You’ll have to leave them. Some make the agonizing decision to leave behind family members who oppose their Church membership. Many of your family will not go. It will be an agonizing decision to leave them. You will see going as part of your church membership and covenant. They will oppose this, even as they claim to be members in good standing and faith. Latter-day Saints move forward, however, praying that precious ones will yet understand and accept. You will move forward, praying they will yet understand and accept and “learn obedience by the things which they suffer.” Knowing they will suffer is what makes leaving them so agonizing.

The path of a pioneer is not easy, Your path will not be easy but we follow in the footsteps of the ultimate Pioneer—even the Savior—who went before, showing us the way to follow. This is the path of discipleship, to be willing to go where the Savior went and suffer as He suffered.

“Come, follow me,”3 He invited. You will follow Him, even “through the valley of the shadow of death”

“I am the way, the truth, and the life,”4 He declared. You will trust that following Him is the only way; that He is the only Truth, and that in Him only is there life…eternal life.

“Come unto me,”5 He called. You not only follow Him, you go TO Him. You walk WITH Him. Pray about how to really do that. It’s more than you think or have been taught in Sunday School.

The way can be trying. Expect this. Adversity will bring faith and strength and refinement.  Some find it difficult to withstand the mocking and unsavory remarks of foolish ones who ridicule chastity, honesty, and obedience to God’s commands. The “great and spacious” building is full of those who mock, and ridicule. See them as foolish, not wise. Hold fast to chastity, honesty and obedience to all of God’s commandments.  The world has ever belittled adherence to principle. This is not new. Know your scriptures and recall their lessons when you feel tempted to believe the lies of those who mock.
When Noah was instructed to build an ark, “As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of Man.” We are there. These are our days. Every family has been counseled for many years (like Noah) to prepare for adversity by building an ark. You are responsible “to provide for your own needs to the extent possible”  (see Sept2014)  Have you done it? You are prepared if you:

- have a supply of food, clothing, and where possible, other necessities of life
- have consecrated your time, talents, skills, compassion, materials and financial means to the Lord
- are prudent ( means “wise, sensible, thrifty”) in your planning
- conservative (means “moderate, or cautious) in your living
- have prepared for adversity by looking to the condition of your finances
            - are modest in your expenditures
            - avoid excessive or unnecessary debt
            - pay off debt as quickly as you can to free yourself from this bondage
            - save a little money regularly to build a financial reserve
- are prepared for emergencies
- have perfected your skills
- live providently (means “showing foresight, providing carefully for the future”
- have a reserve supply on hand
- obey the commandments of God
- are responsive to the teachings of the prophets
- are prepared to give of your substance to the poor and needy
- are square with the Lord (means “settled your debts; honest)
- are prepared for uncertainties
- are ready for when “the time for decision arrives; for the time for preparation will be past”. The only decision that this can apply to is the decision to leave for places of refuge. At that moment, you will not have time to “go and purchase oil”. Up until that time, you can decide to store food or save money and then follow through and prepare.

the foolish populace looked at the cloudless sky so many still believe there is no rain coming and then scoffed and jeered—until the rain came. The rain will come. You are not moved by the unbelief of others because you are acquainted with the revelations of God and believe all His words will come to pass.

On the American continent long centuries ago, to the people living in America, this is your warning! people doubted, disputed, and disobeyed our country is filled with people who doubt the word of God; who argue with time honored beliefs and traditions based on the Bible, who disobey the covenant the people who live here are under to worship God and keep His commandments until the fire consumed Zarahemla, the earth covered Moronihah, and the water engulfed Moroni. These covenant curses are prophesied and will happen. Jeering, mocking, ribaldry, and sin were no more. Evil seeks to silence truth, but in the end, it is Evil that will be silenced. They will have their say until their cup is full. They had been replaced by sullen silence, dense darkness. The patience of God had expired, His timetable fulfilled. God’s patience is almost at an end. Our cup of iniquity is almost full. The timetable of God will be fulfilled as written in scripture.

Maria Linford never lost her faith despite persecution Persecution is coming. Do not lose your faith. in England, the hardships of her journey to “the place which God … prepared,”6 Do not lose faith even though there will be hardship in your journey. God has prepared places of safety for His saints; those who know His voice – “whether by mine one voice or the voice of my servants, it is the same” will respond and go and the subsequent trials she endured for her family and the Church. There will be many trials. Endure them for your family and for the Church.

At a 1937 graveside ceremony dedicated to Maria’s memory, Elder George Albert Smith (1870–1951) asked her posterity: “Will you live true to the faith of your ancestors? …Will YOU live true to the faith of your ancestors? Do strive to be worthy of all the sacrifices [they] have made for you.”7 You must strive to be worthy of all the sacrifices they have made for YOU.” You will do that, in part, by living and maybe even dying, for the cause of Zion, as they did.

As we seek to build Zion in our hearts, Zion must be built FIRST in your own heart, for Zion IS the pure in HEART in our homes, then build Zion in your families in our communities, live in love with your neighbors and in our countries, never forget your civic duties  may we remember the resolute courage Resolve now to move forward in courage, for it will be needed and abiding faith live in faith as you move forward through the mists of darkness and the sanctifying trials that will come of those who gave their all You too will be asked to give your ALL that we might enjoy the blessings of the restored gospel, realize and live in the blessings available to you in the restored gospel with its hope and promise never forget hope and promise as you go through the prophesied tribulations. The hope is of the sanctification that comes through continual repentance as we allow the Holy Ghost to cleanse us from all unbelief and iniquity (generational sin) through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.

(for more on being a modern day pioneer and our invitation to gather to places of safety see: "A Summer with Great-Aunt Rose"



Friday, February 26, 2016

The Only Political Platform That Matters...

In this year of political debates and contests, and the point at which America finds itself in its history, I feel that this prophetic talk, given in October General Conference in 1961, is the only political platform that can save this nation. Any candidate that pretends that anything other than a return to God can save this nation is only denying the inevitable. And, not coincidentally, honoring the Sabbath Day is one way to demonstrate that we truly do worship God, in deed and not just word.

I will add my comments in red inside the talk itself and anything highlighted or bolded or italicized was added by me for emphasis. These are my thoughts only and in no way intend to express the official position of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, although it is my intent to be in harmony with the doctrine of the Church. 

Listen to the Prophet's Voice
Elder Spencer W. Kimball
Of the Council of the Twelve Apostles
             Spencer W. Kimball, Conference Report, October 1961, pp. 29-34
My beloved brothers and sisters, I hope that of the estimated million who may have been listening this morning, there may have been many among them who might have been kings and their courts, presidents and their cabinets, prime ministers and their associates, editors, commanders of armies and navies and air forces, and all others in the world, right here, we are being told that the following words are for the ears of all the world, especially those in power...particularly our fellow men of the Americas from Tierra del Fuego to Point Barrow—for the prophet of the Lord spoke in stirring tones of warning to all the people of this world. I believe that talk that he's referring to was given by President David O. McKay called, "The Cause of Liberty". A few quotes from that talk:
"Free agency, as life, is a gift from God. "Do you wish to be free? Then above all things, love God, love your neighbor, love one another, love the common weal; then you will have true liberty." (Savonarola.) 

"This love of liberty which God has planted in us," said Abraham Lincoln, "constitutes the bulwark of our liberty and independence. It is not our frowning battlements, our bristling seacoasts, our army, and our navy. Our defense is in the spirit which prizes liberty as the heritage of all men, in all lands, everywhere. Destroy this spirit, and we have planted the seeds of despotism at our very doors."

Equally fundamental and important to man's happiness and progress is the right of personal security, the right of personal liberty, and the right of private property.

"As the happiness of the people is the sole end of government, so the consent of the people is the only foundation of it, in reason, morality, and the natural fitness of things. And therefore every act of government, every exercise of sovereignty against or without the consent of the people is injustice, usurpation, and tyranny. It is a maxim that in every government there must exist somewhere a supreme, sovereign, absolute and uncontrollable power; and it never was, or can be delegated to one man or few; the great Creator having never given to men a right to vest others with authority over them unlimited either in duration or degree.

 My brethren and sisters, the ultimate purpose of Christianity in the world is to develop an honorable, upright individual in an ideal society known as the kingdom of God.

"If Western civilization emerges from existing situations safely, it will be only through a deeper appreciation—and note this—through a deeper appreciation of the social ethics of Jesus than it has yet shown. And our danger is increased rather than diminished by the fancied security in which our masses live."

In our own beloved country, "a land choice above all other lands," we are grieved and shocked when the Supreme Court renders a decision ruling that it is unconstitutional for the Federal Government of any State to require a "belief in the existence of God" as a qualification for public office; also, we experience apprehension when we know that enemies to our republican form of government are becoming more blatant; when we see political demagogues seemingly more successful drunkenness and immorality flauntingly defiant—seeing these conditions we wonder whether mankind is growing better or worse. 

 The principles of the restored gospel... are the surest, safest guide to mortal man. Christ is the light to humanity. In that light man sees his way clearly. When it is rejected, the soul of man stumbles in darkness. No person, no group, no nation can achieve true success without following him...It is a sad thing when individuals and nations extinguish that light—when Christ and his gospel are supplanted by the law of the jungle and the strength of the sword. The chief tragedy in the world at the present time is its disbelief in God's goodness, and its lack of faith in the teachings and doctrines of the gospel.

To the Church in all the world the message of the First Presidency, the Council of the Twelve, and the other General Authorities is: Be true and loyal to the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. "Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the Lord"

Our world is in turmoil. It's been 55 years of continued decline... It is aging toward senility. It is very ill. Long ago it was born with brilliant prospects. It was baptized by water, and its sins were washed away. It was never baptized by fire, for that is still to come. It has had shorter periods of good health, but longer ones of ailing. Most of the time there have been pains and aches in some parts of its anatomy, but now that it is growing old, complications have set in, and all the ailments seem to be everywhere. This is a great analogy...

The world has been "cliniced," and the complex diseases have been catalogued. The physicians have had summit consultations, and temporary salve has been rubbed on afflicted parts, but it has only postponed the fatal day and never cured it. It seems that while remedies have been applied, staph infection has set in, and the patient's suffering intensified. His mind is wandering. It cannot remember its previous illnesses nor the cure which was applied. The political physicians through the ages have rejected suggested remedies as unprofessional since they came from lowly prophets. Unfortunately, that would happen again today. If someone were to stand and make this speech as a candidate for president of the United States, they would be tarred and feathered. Man being what he is with tendencies such as he has, results can be prognosticated with some degree of accuracy.

In an ancient situation somewhat comparable to our own, only "somewhat comparable" 55 years ago. Today it must surely be "completely comparable" there was a great destruction, and when the quiet came, those who were spared were wailing:
". . . O that we had repented before this great and terrible day, and then would our brethren have been spared . . . and our mothers and our fair daughters, and our children . . . not have been buried" (3 Ne. 8:24-25).
Today is another day, but history repeats itself. We read the headlines. The great powers warn and threaten. Bombs are detonated. Terror is substituted for reason. Defense stockpiles increase. Nuclear races get swifter. The radios whine. The newspapers carry glaring headlines, politicians wrangle, students and authorities harangue. Everybody expresses opinions, but few approach the real cause or the real cure. Yes, even our recent history repeats itself...
What is the illness? Its symptoms are manifested in every corner of the globe. They are found among men in high places, in hut and mansion. Its symptoms are carelessness, casualness, covetousness, slothfulness, selfishness, dishonesty, disobedience, immorality, uncleanness, unfaithfulness, ungodliness.
Our national and international authorities should know If you are among those that govern nations, you would think that you would be very well educated in history and what builds and destroys nations...that men have ". . . been destroyed from generation to generation according to their iniquities; and never hath any of them been destroyed save it were foretold them by the prophets of the Lord" (2 Ne. 25:9). And modern prophets are warning frequently, constantly. Do you hear the warnings from the prophets? Do they have to literally say "repent or be destroyed"? Did not the Family Proclamation contain a warning to the world of prophesied calamity (destruction) if families continued to disintegrate? People are destroyed by their own acts. This is a statement where "the wicked take the truth to be hard"
"There is one principle," a modern prophet said, "(that we should) understand:—that is of blessings and cursings. For instance, we read that war, pestilence, plagues, famine, etc., will be visited upon the inhabitants of the earth, but if distress through the judgments of God comes upon this people, it will be because the majority have turned away from the Lord." The Book of Mormon makes this curse very very clear for the inhabitants of this promised land!

The world's living prophet has warned and pleaded that the people return to God, who has said again: "I, the Lord, am bound when ye do what I say; but when ye do not what I say, ye have no promise" (D&C 82:10).
This America is no ordinary country. It is a choice land, "choice above all other lands" (1 Ne. 2:20). It has a tragic and bloody past, but a glorious and peaceful future if its inhabitants really learn to serve their God. It was consecrated as a land of promise to the people of the Americas, to whom God gave these great promises:
"It will be a land of liberty to its people" (2 Ne. 1:7).
"They shall never be brought down into captivity" (2 Ne. 1:7).
"And there shall be none to molest them" (2 Ne. 1:9).
"It is a land of promise" (1 Ne. 2:20).
"It shall be free from all nations under heaven."
"There shall be no enemies come into this land."
"It shall be free from bondage" (Ether 2:12).
"There shall be no kings upon the land" (2 Ne. 10:11).
"I will fortify this land against all other nations" (2 Ne. 10:12).
"He that fighteth against Zion shall perish" (2 Ne. 10:13).
But these promises, glorious though they be, desirable as they are, can come only ". . . if they will but serve the God of this land who is Jesus Christ" (Ether 2:12). There is only one way. That infallible cure is simply righteousness, obedience, Godliness, honor, and integrity. There is no other cure. Mountains of arms and ammunitions will not guarantee safety, for enemies can also build fortifications and missiles and bomb shelters. If we would but believe the prophets! For they have warned that if the "inhabitants of this land are ever brought down into captivity and enslaved, it shall be because of iniquity; for if iniquity shall abound cursed shall be the land" (see 2 Ne. 1:7). This is it. This is the only speech that matters. Any other speech is either a band aid or flat out denies the real problem that exists. 
The prophet exclaims again with fervor: "And now we . . . behold the decrees of God concerning this land, that it is a land of promise; and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall serve God, or they shall be swept off when the fulness of his wrath shall come upon them. And the fulness of his wrath cometh upon them when they are ripened in iniquity" (Ether 2:9).
O that men would listen! Why should there be spiritual blindness in the day of brightest material vision? Why must men rely on fortifications and armaments when the God of heaven yearns to bless them? One stroke of his omnipotent hand could make powerless all nations who oppose and save a world even in its death throes.   More of that needed speech! I literally highlighted the entire rest of the talk, but thought that it would be a bit much to read it all in yellow, so just know that the rest of it is ALL important!
Jesus Christ our Lord is under no obligation to save this world. The people have ignored him, disbelieved him, failed to follow him. They stand at his mercy which will be extended only if they repent. But to what extent have we repented? Another prophet said, "We call evil good, and good evil" (Isa. 5:20). Men have rationalized themselves into thinking that they are "not so bad." Are they fully ripe? Has the rot of age and flabbiness set in? Can they change? They see evil in their enemies, but none in themselves. Even in the true Church numerous of its people fail to attend their meetings, to tithe their incomes, to have their regular prayers, to keep all the commandments. We can transform, but will we? It seems that we would rather tax ourselves into slavery than to pay our tithes; rather build protections and walls than drop to our knees with our families in solemn prayers night and morning.

It seems that rather than fast and pray, we prefer to gorge ourselves at the banquet tables and drink cocktails. Instead of disciplining ourselves, we yield to urges and carnal desires. Numerous billions we spend on liquor and tobacco. A Sabbath show or a game or a race replaces solemn worship. Numerous mothers prefer the added luxuries of two incomes to the satisfactions of seeing children grow up in the fear of God (Deut. 31:13). Men golf and boat and hunt and fish rather than to solemnize the Sabbath. Old man rationalization is with us. 

Because we are not vicious enough to be confined in penitentiaries, we rationalize that we are pretty good people; that we are not doing so badly. The masses of the people are much like those who escaped destruction in the ancient days of this continent. The Lord said to them:
"O all ye that are spared because ye were more righteous than they [the slain ones], will ye not now return unto me, and repent of your sins, and be converted, that I may heal you?" (3 Ne. 9:13).

The Great Wall of China with its 1,500 miles of unbreakable walls, with its twenty-five feet high impregnableness, with its innumerable watchman towers, was breached by the treachery of men.

The Maginot Line in France, these forts thought to be so strong and impassable, were violated as though they were not there. Strength is not in concrete and re-enforcing steel. Protection is not in walls nor mountains nor cliffs, yet foolish men still lean on "the arm of flesh."

The walls of Babylon were too high to be scaled, too thick to be broken, too strong to be crumbled, but not too deep to be undermined when the human element failed (Dan. 5:1-31). When the protectors sleep and the leaders are incapacitated with banqueting and drunkenness and immorality, an invading enemy can turn a river from its course and enter through a river bed (Isa. 44:27-28; Isa. 45:1).

The precipitous walls on the high hills of Jerusalem deflected for a time the arrows and spears of enemies, the catapults and firebrands. But even then wickedness did not lessen, men did not learn lessons. Hunger scaled the walls; thirst broke down the gates; immorality, cannibalism, idolatry, godlessness stalked about till destruction came.

"Experience is a dear teacher but fools will learn by no other." But we continue on in our godlessness. While the iron curtains rise and thicken, we eat, drink, and make merry. While armies are marshaled and march and drill and officers teach men how to kill, we continue to drink and carouse as usual. While bombs are detonated and tested, and fallout settles on the already sick world, we continue in idolatry and adultery. While corridors are threatened and concessions are made, we live riotously and divorce and marry in cycles like the seasons. While leaders quarrel, and editors write, and authorities analyze and prognosticate, we break the Sabbath as though no command had ever been given. While enemies filter into our nation to subvert us and intimidate us and soften us, we continue with our destructive thinking: "It can't happen here."

Will we ever turn wholly to God? Fear envelops the world which could be at ease and peace. In God is protection, safety, peace. He has said, "I will fight your battles" (D&C 105:14). But his commitment is on condition of our faithfulness. He promised to the children of Israel:

"I will give you rain in due season,"
The land shall yield her increase and trees their fruit.
Granaries and barns will bulge in seed time and harvest.
Ye shall eat your bread in abundance.
Ye shall dwell in your land safely and none shall make you afraid.
Neither shall the sword go through your land.
And five of you shall chase an hundred, and an hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight (see Lev. 26:4-6,8).

But if you fail to serve me:
The land will be barren, (perhaps radioactive or dry from drought.)
The trees will be without fruit and the fields without verdure.
There will be rationing and a scarcity of food and hunger sore.
No traffic will jam your desolate highways.
Famine will stalk rudely through your doors and the ogre cannibalism will rob you of your children and your remaining virtues.
There will be pestilence uncontrollable.
Your dead bodies will be piled upon the materialistic things you sought so hard to accumulate and save.
I will give no protection against enemies.
They that hate you shall reign over you.
There will be faintness of heart "and the sound of a shaken leaf" shall chase you into flight and you will fall when none pursueth.
Your power—your supremacy—your pride in superiority—will be broken.
Your heaven shall be as iron and your earth as brass. Heaven will not hear your pleadings nor earth bring forth her harvest.
Your strength will be spent in vain as you plow and plant and cultivate.
Your cities will be shambles, your churches in ruins.
Your enemies will be astonished at the barrenness, sterility, desolation of the land they had been told was so choice, so beautiful, so fruitful.
Then shall the land enjoy her Sabbaths under compulsion.
And ye shall have no power to stand before your enemies.
And your people will be scattered among the nations as slaves and bondsmen.
You will pay tribute and bondage and fetters shall bind you (see Lev. 26:14-43).

What a bleak prediction! Yet "These are the statutes and judgments and laws, which the Lord made between him and the children of Israel in Mt. Sinai by the hand of Moses" (Lev. 26:46). The Israelites failed to heed the warning. They ignored the prophets. They suffered the fulfillment of every dire prophecy.

Do we twentieth century people have reason to think that we can be immune from the same tragic consequences when we ignore the same divine laws?

With such innumerable blessings as are available to godly people of this land, how can any sane one continue in his careless patterns of life?
There is a cure for the earth's illness, an infallible one.
War clouds gather, fear heightens; tenseness increases, yet there need be no fear and worry and sleepless nights.

Our God rules in the heavens. He lives. He loves. He desires the happiness and well being of all his children. He has a prophet on the earth today who receives his revelations. He is a prophet to all the world. He has on numerous occasions outlined the cure for all international as well as local ills. The diagnosis is sure, and the remedy certain. Today's prophet stands in the same position between God and the people as did Isaiah, Samuel, and even Moses who gave to the world the ten commandments.
But a controlling majority of the people of this world have relegated them to the past.

"Thou shalt have no other gods before me" (Ex. 20:3, italics added). Yet today we worship the gods of wood and stone and metal. Not always are they in the form of a golden calf, but equally real as objects of protection and worship. They are houses, lands, bank accounts, leisure. They are boats, cars, and luxuries. They are bombs and ships and armaments. We bow down to the god of mammon, the god of luxuries, the god of dissipation.

"Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain" (Ex. 20:7, italics added). Yet on the corner, in public places, on work projects, at banquet tables, there come ringing into our ears the sacred names of Deity without solemnity.

"Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy" (Ex. 20:8, italics added). Yet work goes on, merchandise is sold, athletic entertainments, fishing, hunting go forward without regard to commandments. Conventions, unnecessary travel, family picnics, the Sabbath is violated generally. A relatively few people attend their church services, pay their tithing, serve their fellow men. Few live up to the truth they know. The taverns are full, the beaches crowded, the grandstands packed, man servants, and maid servants hired to duty, the ski lifts busy, canyon picnic tables loaded. Scriptures are read little, and the holy day becomes a holiday.

"Six days shalt thou labour" (Ex. 20:9, italics added). Yet ever-increasing hours of leisure provide ever increasing opportunities for Sabbath breaking and commandment ignoring, and strikes and lobbying go on to increase damaging leisure and decrease work hours further.

"Thou shalt not commit adultery" (Ex. 20:14, italics added). Yet this common sin and idolatry run hand in hand. Free love and indiscretions and deviations of every nature are common in our day. Illegitimate births are said to reach as high as one in ten, yet promiscuity far exceeds illegitimacy. This ugly deviation is found among youth and married people. Divorce, ever on the increase, jumping from one divorce for thirty-six weddings in Civil War days now has reached somewhere near one to four. Flirtations, rationalized to be innocent ones, are the root of numerous of the divorces and other ills.

"Thou shalt not steal" (Ex. 20:15, italics added). Yet in high places and in low, in government office and in business, in everyday life, men have rationalized until consciences seem to have been seared in the matter of honesty. Yet here are bribery, fraud, deceit, theft, padding of expense accounts, tax evasion, installment buying beyond ability to pay, and gambling running into the billions.

The outlook is bleak, but the impending tragedy can be averted. But it can be only through a great repentance and transformation.

"What can I do?" asks the fearful one. I can transform my own life till it is perfected and then influence others when thus transformed. I am prepared to live or die and need not fear. The righteous were saved in Enoch's day and the wicked were drowned in the flood. Other rebellious people were destroyed in the convulsions of the earth in the meridian of time, and they who were more righteous were saved.

Concerning Jerusalem the Lord said: "I will defend this city" (2 Kgs. 19:34) when the powerful, invincible Assyrian army camped at the gates. That night the Lord saved Jerusalem from Sennacherib and his 185,000 troops who did not live the night through to attack (2 Kgs. 19:35-37). Three hundred soldiers and God and Gideon routed the powerful army of the Midianites (Judg. 7:1-25). The thirteen colonies gained a permanent victory over superior forces, and America was born. The Lord and David slew Goliath (1 Sam. 17:45-47), and Israel won many battles when they were righteous. God will fight our battles if we honor him and serve him with all our hearts, might, mind, and strength.
This I know, for the Lord has so declared it through the ages, and I know he lives and is all powerfulThe cause is not lost. 

If race tracks were closed on the Sabbath, if gambling ceased, drinking eliminated, work and play confined to week days; if stores were closed and all people went to their sanctuaries truly to worship even as best they know; if taverns never opened, and transgressors all repented, and broken homes were mended, and children were trained in uprightness; if families all knelt in prayer night and morning, if tithes were paid and integrity and worship reigned in the lives of men, the era of total peace would be ushered in. Fear would vanish, and enemies would be subdued.

"I will fight your battles," says the Lord God Omnipotent (D&C 105:14). He never fails his promises.

If we are of the masses who are casual, passive, irreligious, irreverent, unholy, immoral, ungodly, then we must "repent or suffer" (D&C 19:4).
Of course, a one-sided disarmament could be madness if worldliness and materialism continued, but a serious turn of the masses could forestall all military conquests, all tragedies of conflict. God is all powerful.

I plead with men everywhere to "Come, listen to a prophet's voice" and hear the word of God from our living prophet who sits with us here today. I know he is God's recognized prophet. I beg of you to listen and act, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. 

(Great follow up talk;Marion G. Romney "The Tragic Cycle")

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Worldwide Devotional for Young Adults - President and Sister Nelson

"Becoming True Millennials"
(click on the titles above to watch the talk)

These are my notes from the Worldwide Devotional for Young Adults that was given Sunday, January 10, 2016. I tried to use their exact words, but may not have done it perfectly or consistently, so please quote them from an actual transcript and not this account. I organized their words into an outline that helps me to study better what they said and what their counsel is. It may not be in the same order that they gave it. The headings are my own and not theirs. Any comments in red are my own thoughts and feelings and may not have been their meaning or intent. 

Sister Nelson:

Things you can be desperate for the Savior to do that you can't do on your own:
  • heal you
  • help you
  • cleanse you
  • guide you
  • protect you
  • save you 

      Examples of times you may have felt desperate: I'm going to think about the following list as though they were "veiled" with a different meaning for those who have "eyes to see and ears to hear". Why? Because ever since Pres. Uchtdorf spoke to the women in March with only a parable, I'm looking for more and more parables in the words of those who are trying to prepare us for the Second Coming. These two talks, for me, are clearly trying to do that.
  •      to complete an assignment with a due date quickly approaching or already passed. The assignment is "being prepared". It will soon be "too late" and for some (who may not have the resources) it may already be past time. The rest of the examples are to hide this FIRST reason to feel desperate, among other more "common" reasons. I feel Pres. Nelson is doing the same with his opening statement.
  •     to have someone really understand you The Lord understands who you really are! (the rest of these, I'm just reaching...but it's fun to find a way to make them fit:) )
  •     to have someone truly love you The Lord truly loves you and trusts you!
  •     to be accepted into a University The temple could be considered the "Lord's University". Be worthy to enter and then attend class and go home and study.
  •     to find a job what will be your "job" in His kingdom in the next few years? in the millenium?
  •     to find a place to live where will the Lord have you live to be safe in the coming tribulations?
  •     to make new friends you will surely make new friends in places of refuge
  •     to find your eternal companion this is a commandment that does not change with time or circumstance
  •     to be guided by heaven;  work harder than ever to tune into heaven if you don't, it will be like taking a trip without a GPS
  •     to be physically healthy ; eat and exercise for physical health, no excuses. the goal is to be healthy, not skinny. You will need your health and strength!
  •      to have more money; eagerly follow the Lord's law of finances - tithing if you need to purchase food and supplies, you may feel desperate for the money to do it. The Lord will provide a way, but it will be according to His laws and timing.
  •      to become the people we were born to be a true millennial
  •     to be a true disciple of Jesus Christ  not one in appearance or word only

    What happens when you "wake up from your spiritual amnesia":
  •       your vision changes you see things and yourself and others differently
  •      you will see things about yourself you have never seen before don't let the fact that you've never seen it before cause you to doubt
  •      the world's fun and entertainment starts to look almost ridiculous
  •      the world's fun and entertainment starts to look dangerous you will surely be mocked if you share this new vision with others who are still asleep
  •      you see the adversaries tricks and traps for what they really are - a temptation to make you forget your true identity and your destination. he will not be happy about this and may attack you even more. be ready.
  •     you spend your time differently may be mocked for this
  •     time in the temple is more compelling than time on facebook try logging your time on social media for a week and see if you really don't have "time" to attend the temple. Trade the world's media for the Lord's
  •     you are much more interested in eternal truths taught by the Lord in the temple than the glib and mind numbing sensations comments on social media 
  •     Your confidence and happiness increases
  •     you have a better imagination
  •     you have a clearer mind who doesn't want these?
  •     you ponder topics
  •     you have deep conversations with others hard to do if you can't find someone else who's seeking what you are...
  •     you feel a stronger presence with the spirit in your life
  •     you use technology righteously (learn how on
  •     you have the courage and determination to remove anything and everything from your life that is unholy and impure. courage, because you will be mocked for doing it; courage because you may find that you are more addicted than you think; determination, because you will want to justify and rationalize that it doesn't matter
  •     you are willing to follow the advice of your leaders do you know what that advise is? These talks are just such advice. Are you willing to follow it?
  •     you seek counsel and are eager to follow it are you eager to do this?
  •     you go to the scriptures for answers and comfort
  •     you identify burdens that are holding you back and repent now.
  •     you want to give up all your sins, even your favorite ones - today!
  •     you are not embarrassed to repent and feel like running to repent.
·     This can be the “very best year of your life” IF you will “follow through, better than ever before on resolutions that mean the most to you.” I think she's not saying that you get to pick resolutions that you want to make important, but rather, I've just given you a list of resolutions that will change your life and that they SHOULD mean the most to you. Follow through on THESE resolutions and you will have the BEST YEAR OF YOUR LIFE in spite of the "eventful" things that will happen. What a promise!!!
“I pray that you will have moments of anguishing desperation that will propel (definition: push, prod, urge, impel, cause to move forward or onward) you further along the path to becoming the person you were born to be.” It's interesting that she prays we'll have moments of "anguishing desperation" and can at the same time say it can be the "very best year of your life." Sounds like those two things can't go together, but I agree that desired spiritual growth and conversion and waking up to one's true potential and purpose (which Pres. Nelson says will "change your life") could indeed, make this year...the year you "woke up" the BEST year of your life! Not only need to feel desperate about it...time is running short! In April 2012, Elder Holland ended his talk (The Laborers in the Vineyard") with this chilling statement:

"It is never too late so long as the Master of the vineyard says there is time. Please listen to the prompting of the Holy Spirit telling you right now, this very moment, that you should accept the atoning gift of the Lord Jesus Christ and enjoy the fellowship of His labor. Don’t delay. It’s getting late. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen."
That was four years ago! How much later is it now?
Faith-promoting story:
Impoverished, young, G.Q. Cannon paid tithing on what he “wanted” to make; the very next year he earned exactly that amount! Considering an economic hit might be the next thing you feel in your life, this particular faith-promoting story should be remembered. It also speaks to a law of heaven. All things are created spiritually first. Brother Cannon acted in faith, paying tithing on money he "hoped for, which he couldn't see, but which he knew was true" - because he'd created it spiritually.

I am starting this challenge today!
o   Kneel and thank God for the scriptures
o   Tell him one question you most need to have answered that day
o   Plead to have the Holy Ghost with you as read
o   Open anywhere and read until you find the answer
To Do:
Prayerfully discover which gift you need today. Each gift you receive takes you forward towards your true self. Pray with real faith that you will receive and recognize the gifts you pray for. Gifts you can pray for: (be desperate for it; pray with all the energy of your heart for it!)
  • self discipline
  • cheerfulness
  • patience
  • to be healed
  • to forgive
  • to have your sexual feelings in harmony with Eternal laws
  • unshakable faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. 

To think about:

  •     Like Joseph Smith in Liberty Jail, we too may soon cry out, "Oh God, where art thou?" in intense spiritual desperation. And, if we are faithful, we too will receive "sublime revelation."
  •     There is 100% guarantee that if you truly repent, the Savior will cleanse you and heal you thoroughly, totally and completely. 
  •     Elder D. Todd Christopherson taught, “The power of the Saviors atonement can erase the effects of sin in us. When we repent, His atoning grace justifies and cleanses us. It is as if we had not succumbed, as if we had not yielded to temptation.” 
  •     Some day you will have an individual face to face interview with the Savior.  Let that eventual reality become real to you today and you will be willing to do whatever it takes to be prepared. I think it's interesting that she didn't say "prepare for IT or THAT DAY"....she just said "to be prepared". What if she's talking about being prepared for what lies ahead? Isn't that what these two talks are about? She follows this statement with this final question:
  •     What if you learned that the Savior had already returned to this earth; that He, as part of His Second Coming, had already met with some of His true followers in several marvelous, large gatherings. Gathering about which the world, including CNN and the blogsphere knew nothing.  If you found out that the Savior was already on the earth what would you desperately want to do today.  What would you be wiling and ready to do tomorrow? This was her CONCLUDING QUESTION. I believe she's saying this because it may very well be true. The Second Coming has begun. It's not an "event"'s a process. The Lord could well have already met with the First Presidency...several times. If it has begun, then you may actually want to start feeling desperate about being prepared to meet him and what HAS to happen BEFORE you meet Him. Her point, though, may be that you must not wait to hear it on the news that it's time to prepare. You won't hear it there. If you wait for that, you will miss it. Assume that His Second Coming has already begun....start preparing. Feel desperate, for if you are just starting, you must know the deadline is fast approaching. It reminds me of the talk "Lay Up and Store" where in his parable, he tried to cram for the exam, but it was too late. He failed miserably! This would be a good time to review that talk!
  •     Your true self is spectacular!  Never settle for less.  If you don't wake up to who you are, you will be settling for less. "you are more than you have become" ... you need to believe that and claim it! Satan has been working hard your whole life to distract you from understanding your role in this last inning. Shake it off and step into your destiny!

President Nelson:

Take Note:

  • "This New Year will SURELY BE AN EVENTFUL ONEHe sites the death of his sister and the birth of a couple babies as "eventful" things in his own life in just the first two weeks of the new year. Also speaking to the Young Adults "throughout the entire world". He did not qualify it, though, by saying "eventful for me"...just that THIS New Year will SURELY be and eventful one!  I feel like he's veiling his prophecy in his own events so that the "world" will miss it.          
Things to Know:

  • Wendy’s message was IMPORTANT Her message was, that you need to become the person you were born to be (a true millennial) and that it's okay if things happen that cause you to feel "desperate". Let that "propel" you into becoming who you were born to be!
  • The Lord moves upon the prophet to proclaim the Lord’s will
  • Revelation is a sacred process (fast, pray, discuss…)
  • You have as much access to the mind and will of the Lord for your own life as we apostles do for the church. but you will have to work for it like they do...
  • Prophets SEE AHEAD; they see 
    • the HARROWING (definition: extremely disturbing or distressing; grievous; painful, agonizing, tormenting, heartbreaking) DANGERS the adversary has placed or will yet place in our path; This is a clear prophecy and warning about what lies ahead. Are you prepared for it temporally, psychologically and spiritually?
    • the possibilities and privileges awaiting those who listen with the intent to obey. Decide NOW that you will obey "every word of command with exactness" (Helaman's Stripling Warriors)
  •  The prophet will never lead us astray pray for a witness of this truth.
  •  Secret combinations – their leaders; these servants of Satan, are hidden and embedded among the people and society.; they are difficult to detect;  The Book of Mormon says that "When ye shall see these things come among you that ye shall awake to a sense of your awful situation, because of this secret combination which shall be among you..." I think Pres. Nelson is telling us they are here, so it's time to wake up!
  • As members become more and more prideful, many will mock that which is sacred, deny the spirit of prophecy and revelation. Notice that the scripture doesn't say that the gadiantions were mocking. It was the Nephites (assuming they were members) who became more and more prideful that began to mock. BOTH of these threats are among us today!
LEARN WHAT IT MEANS TO BE A "MILLENNIAL": please note what you should:like, dislike, feel, be inclined towards, what your strengths are and what weakness you may face:

  • “Millennial” describes who you are and what your purpose in life really  is Social Scientists say he's talking to those who are age 16 - 36. (though the fireside is for ages 18 - 30) You are just starting high school, thinking about college, missions, careers, have young families and feel like you are just starting to plan your lives. But God has a different plan for you than the one you may have for yourself....or at least He's going to ask you to extend that plan into the Millennial realm. Between now and the realization of your dreams, He has a special fore-ordained mission for you; one for which you were prepared, saved for, and born for. It's worth repeating here what Elder Holland said on Facebook on Dec. 31st, 2015:"The start of a new year is the traditional time to take stock of our lives and see where we are going, measured against the backdrop of where we have been. Several years ago at BYU, I shared my thoughts on the scriptural story of Lot’s wife (
    Often, like Lot’s wife, we long to return to past days. I have come to the conclusion that Lot’s wife did not just look back; she looked back longingly. In short, her attachment to the past outweighed her confidence in the future. That, apparently, was at least part of her sin.
    So, as a new year starts and we try to benefit from a proper view of what has gone before, I plead with you not to dwell on days now gone, nor to yearn vainly for yesterdays, however good those yesterdays may have been. The past is to be learned from but not lived in.
    To all such of every generation, I call out, “Remember Lot’s wife.” Faith is for the future. Faith builds on the past but never longs to stay there. Faith trusts that God has great things in store for each of us and that Christ truly is the “high priest of good things to come.”
    Keep your eyes on your dreams, however distant and far away. Live to see the miracles of repentance and forgiveness, of trust and divine love that will transform your life today, tomorrow, and forever. That is a New Year’s resolution I ask you to keep this new year."
  • You are an ELECT child of God
  • You were created in HIS IMAGE
  • You were taught in the Spirit world to prepare you for ANYTHING and EVERYTHING you would encounter during this LATTER part of these LATTER DAYS
  • THAT TEACHING ENDURES WITHIN YOU. You need to believe this, because there's not much you have experienced so far in this life that has prepared you for what is coming shortly. But trust that your premortal preparation is within you and you will be able to call it forward.
  • You are living in the ELEVENTH HOUR – the last time the Lord will call laborers to gather the elect. Consider that the "elect" you are to gather may be other "millennials"...
  •  You were sent to participate in THIS GATHERING
  •  As the seed of  Abraham, You have power and influence and a duty to bring others to a knowledge of the truth. of Christ, the restored gospel, of His coming, of who they are...
  • You have a distinctive light that radiates from you that will attract others
  • You were taught the gospel pre-mortally
  • You taught the gospel pre-mortally
  • You are anchored in true doctrine.
  • You made covenants pre-mortally about courageous, even morally courageous things you would do here. Don't be afraid about what lies ahead. Pray for the courage you had when you first made the covenant.
  •  God trusted you to send you to the most compelling dispensation in the history of the world. Consider WHY it is the most "compelling" dispensation if "compelling" means 'an admiring interest' or does it mean "a powerful effect"...
  • You live NOW to help prepare the people of this world for the Second Coming of Christ and His millennial reign. God needs you to shift now into your true purpose. Jesus is coming and you're going to be here when He does. Help others to shift as well.
  • You are a devout disciple of Jesus Christ who INSTINCTIVELY seizes every opportunity to help yourself and others to PREPARE FOR THE MILLENIAL REIGN OF OUR SAVIOR. Listen to and feel your spirit pulling you into your true purpose. Take every opportunity to prepare yourself and others for the return of the Savior. This consists of both temporal and spiritual preparation. (Elder Oaks)
  • The Lord can count on you to do some things for Him.
  • You will be asked to do difficult things as covenant people always are. 
  • Be a covenant keeping child of God. You are living in the latter part second time he said this of the latter days.  "you can do hard things!"
  • You will make history Right up there with the birth of Christ!
  • You were born to be a TRUE Millennial Be the "true" Millennial...not the one the world says you are.
  • You were CHOSEN TO DO A REMARKABLE WORK TO HELP PREPARE A PEOPLE FOR THE SECOND COMING. He repeated this THREE TIMES! You are here to help prepare a people for the Second Coming. Pray to know how you are to do that.

  • Learn who you really are Pray for a witness that you are a "true millennial" "take time to think prayerfully" about all this...
  • Stand up and LIVE as a "True Millennial"!
  • Ask Heavenly Father how He feels about you
  • Ask Him what your mission on earth is
  • record your impressions,
  • review them often
  • follow them with exactness.'re going to be made fun of...
  • If the prophet gives you an assignment – set out to do it, even if it seems utterly impossible.You must be absolutely determined to do this! There's a reason you've read First Nephi more than any other book in the Book of Mormon!
  • Step forward with FAITH AND DOGGED PERSISTENCE when asked to do impossible things! ("Dogged" - persistent; stubbornly tenacious; unyielding;)
  • Accept challenging assignments to become an instrument in the Lord's hands.
  • Cheerfully do all that lies in your power to fulfill the purposes of the Lord With a correct vision and witness of why you are here and what you are to do, you can do it cheerfully - with faith and not fear - no matter what Satan puts before you.
  • do whatever it takes to strengthen your faith in Jesus Christ. whatever it takes!
  • Increase your understanding of and be anchored in the true doctrine taught in the church
  • Relentlessly seek truth there's that "dogged persistence" again...
  • When you are discouraged, pray for….Courage; do not give up
  • Learn how to ACCESS the POWER OF HEAVEN Believe that you can!
  • Seek to learn, understand, and recognize truth. It is vital. scripture study and becoming familiar with the words of the prophet is key here...
  • Ask INSPIRED questions. That is how you learn best. do you know how to ask an inspired question; can you recognize when your questions are inspired?
  • Revelation is a sacred process. Learn how to qualify for and receive answers by being willing to seek, ponder, pray, study, fast, wrestle, consider all the ramifications, and counsel with others. Be willing to do it repeatedly. this is part of how you "qualify" for answers. "receiving" an answer sometimes lies in learning how to recognize the way the answer comes (See Elder Bednar's talk on tithing in Oct 2013) When Elder Nelson prayed and asked, "How do you feel about these Young Adults?" The answer came through spiritual impressions and feelings.
  • Spend more time in temples and the chapel.
  • Make home a Holy Place – safely retreat from the dark distractions of the world
  • Prayer is a key. Pray:
o  To know what to stop doing and what to start doing;think technology; prayer, scripture study, Sabbath day
o   what to add or subtract from your environment so the spirit will be there in abundance. ditto
o  Plead for the gift of discernment so important 
  • Live and work to be worthy of the gift of discernment. You can know exactly what is true and what is not.
  • Serve with love. not just out of duty...It will open your heart to personal revelation.
  • Spend much more time where the spirit is present (friends who are seeking the same; on your knees in prayer; in the scriptures; in family history work; in the temple)in your busy, busy, life he just said to spend MORE time in things you may feel you barely have time for now. So what is he asking you to do?
  • Learn to hear the voice of the Lord through the whisperings of the Holy Ghost. it starts with recognizing the voice of our conscience as the voice of the Lord (light of Christ) and yielding to that voice. As you do so, you will grow more confident and learn to hear the promptings of the Spirit more often.
  • Come to know  if you are where you need to be or doing what the Lord needs you to do. You've already asked "what" your mission ask if you are "doing" what you need to be doing to fulfill that mission.
  • FOLLOW THE PROPHETS "they know the way"; "our safety lies in our obedience"
    •  Know he’s a prophet
    •  They see ahead.
    • Ask in humility and faith for your own witness about whatever he’s proclaimed.
  • Be more interested in what the Lord has to say then what the "experts" say.

  • Learning who you are and what your mission is will be life changing be willing to shift and change your life. He's talking to active, faithful will need to shift into a new purpose and mission than the one you have now. 
  • Expect and prepare to accomplish the impossible begin to wrap your head around that very real challenge. You will need extreme Faith!
  • Count on an Abrahamic Test – a test that will seem far beyond your capacity for which you may have no experience. at least here in this life. But remember you WERE prepared in the premortal world.
  • Obstacles may be in your way. You may not know where to go beforehand. Temptations may be intentionally placed in your way to test you, trap you. You may be rejected. but since you know in advance, you can be prepared to not be swayed or moved off course by it.
  • That the Lord will enable you to accomplish the impossible.
  • The Lord is able to do His own work and you will see one miracle after another ALWAYS AND ONLY AFTER you bring your BEST THINKING, YOUR MOST COURAGEOUS EFFORTS, and your MOST FERVENT PRAYERS. Call forth your premortal preparation; pray and work in faith that God will provide.
  • It will become less and less popular to be a Latter day Saint. You will need courage not to give up. Pray for it. again...He's preparing you. "If you are prepared, you will not fear it..."
  • Some who you thought to be your friends will betray you remember Job...
  • Some things will simply seem unfair. life isn't fair...but God is just and Christ will come and "wipe away all tears..."
  • You may be awakened in the night with impressions about issues you are concerned with. 
  • The prophet may ask you to do something that
    • you do not like
    • may contradict your political views
    • may contradict your social views
    • may interfere with your social life
    • you do not understand
·         I PROMISE:
  • You can know the mind and will of the Lord for your own life.
  • You can know you are where the Lord needs you to be, doing what He needs you to do through the Holy Ghost.
  • As you follow Jesus Christ you will find SUSTAINED PEACE and TRUE JOY. For those who won't shift life may be "harrowing", but for those that do there is SUSTAINED peace and TRUE JOY. How's that!
  • As you keep your covenants with INCREASING PRECISION exactness; Don't be casual about the Sabbath Day, or your church attendance or your scripture reading or your prayers. It won't be enough to just check the box...and as you DEFEND THE CHURCH, yes, you'll have to open your mouth...the Lord will bless you with STRENGTH and WISDOM to accomplish the impossible.awesome!
  • Heavenly Father and Christ stand ready to answer your questions through the ministering of the Holy Ghost.
  • As you consistently give the Lord a GENEROUS portion of your time, he will multiply the remainder. This will take faith, but you will see the miracle...just like tithing...
  • listen to the prophets as if from the Lord Himself, with patience and faith, and I promise THE GATES OF HELL SHALL NOT PREVAIL, the LORD will disperse the powers of hell from before you.” This promise is worth any cost!
  • The Lord will enable you to accomplish the impossible. How?   
    • By your doing whatever it takes to strengthen your faith in Jesus Christ. are you desperate to strengthen you faith?
    • By increasing your understanding of the doctrine taught in His restored church and 
    • by relentlessly seeking truth. are you desperate to know the truth?

"            "I bless each one of you as though I had my hands upon your heads
  •  with the ability to become the true millennial you were born to be. I bless you to have
  •  the desire and ability to learn your true identity and purpose
  •  that you will expect and prepare to do impossible things,
  • that you will be undaunted in your efforts to learn how to access the powers of heaven to help you solve your problems and answer your questions and I bless you
  • to follow the prophets with exactness
  • to feel peace in your heart as you do so. I bless you
  • to know and feel how much the Lord loves you and how much confidence he has in you." 

    you can do this!  

    Now would be a good time to watch these two short videos: May you feel hope and not fear. Go in to faith and trust!

    LDS Church Leaders preparing us for the Second Coming of Christ

    Great Trials Lie Ahead