Monday, April 2, 2018

Elder Ballard

These are my notes from watching the session live. Anything in red I added when I listened a second time, green are my thoughts:
  • Record what you felt in the solemn assembly points out ancient practice in Bible, we are a restored church They kept saying this was an "historic" conference. On the surface it could just mean because we sustained a new prophet and some changes were made in priesthood quorums and how we minister, but is it possible that it's historic and should be recorded for another reason? They said it was a "new chapter" in church history, and Pres. Nelson put a marker on this "time between now and the return of the Savior". Will we look back and say, "this was the beginning of the real and focused push to prepare a zion people to receive the Lord, and we were there!"
  • new chapter Pres. Nelson is a prophet/president and presides, but Christ is at the head of His own church. Be clear about who is in charge. We "conduct" the work, the prophet is the "presiding" authority on the earth and Christ is at the head. Also, calling him a prophet and president shows that they are two different functions. A prophet speaks for God and a president presides over an organization.
  • We witness before God that Pres. Nelson is the rightful successor, and to our willingness to hearken to his voice as he receives direction to the Lord. Emphasis on our "receiving" the words of the prophet as the word of the Lord. God's word makes no difference in our lives if we don't receive it. To receive is to accept, believe and act upon.
  • Known him 60 years and served with him for 33 years; witness the hand of the Lord has prepared him to be the presiding apostle and prophet Here's another title for Pres. Nelson - he is the presiding apostle. We were taught that when the prophet dies, before the new one is sustained, the quorum of the apostles jointly are in charge, with a presiding apostle. The presiding apostle becomes the new prophet. Pres. Nelson said he never dreamed he'd live to occupy this seat since there were four apostles in front of him that were younger than he was. As time goes by, we'll see more and more evidence of how Pres. Nelson was uniquely prepared to be the prophet at this time. I also think that Sister Nelson has been prepared to be his wife at this time. They are a powerhouse couple!
  • Completely sustain and follow his direction I think it was Elder Ballard that has commented in regional conferences that we have not "completely" followed the direction to stop having missionary farewells. I think he means "completely" for a reason. Hearken to ALL of the direction we hear.
  • After resurrection, Christ said, “Peace be unto you as my Father has sent me even so send I you" Two-fold action - 
  • God sends His Son, the Son sends His servants - us
  • Not perfect, yet still support and sustain each other with real real, sincere faith in the Savior who are called to do "a great work" Perhaps the Savior first said "peace be unto you" was because he knew of the mortal flaws of men. Instead of getting worked up over whether the church is true because of the mistakes of men, be at peace, because He is in charge and He knows He's only got mortals to work with. It will all work out! 
  • Mustard seed – (it is surprisingly small) faith as a grain can move mountains; nothing impossible to you- Lord can help us remove the mountains of discouragement and doubt in the tasks ahead of us as exercise real faith in Christ We have have happiness, love, joy, hope, etc even with the smallest amount of real faith in Christ! This is significant. We need to BELIEVE that it only takes a "surprisingly small" amount of faith to do seemingly impossible things! Discouragement and doubt block the believing part of faith which leads to the acting part of faith which produces the power part of faith. Alma said we need to exercise even a particle of faith and that it would work in us and swell and grow. We have "tasks" ahead of us that will require faith because they will look impossible. Joy and happiness and love come when we see what real faith can do, even in the midst of great evil.
  • Be not discouraged; do all things through Christ – knowing this is a gift of God Study the gifts of God and learn how to pray for them and qualify for them, recognize them and receive them!
  • Gift of the Sabbath Day, Sacrament, service to others, and the Savior Do we see these as "gifts"? Or are they routine, a burden, restrictive, or lacking in power? If they are, then we haven't really received them as gifts.
  • The power of the Sabbath – power to experience at church and at home the delight, joy, warmth of feeling the Spirit of the Lord without any kind of distraction. This is why we turn off and turn away from the routines of the week and the world. So we can feel without distraction and experience power. Pray to know what that is so that you can testify to others of the difference with and without the power of the Sabbath.
  • Too many allow themselves to almost live online, Earplugs blocking out the still small voice of the Spirit Find time to unplug so you can hear. When you are plugged in, you aren't even aware of those trying to get your attention. 
  • Be still and know that I am God. be wise Be still. Can you handle being still? With the internet and our phones we don't have to really "be" anywhere we don't want to be for even 10 sec. We can tune out and go anywhere in the world virtually in seconds. We aren't even given a chance to practice being still. No wonder our minds won't shut off at night when we try to sleep. We're programming them to keep going throughout our waking day.
  • Do not let the Sacrament become routine. Only 70 min in whole week. It's a sign by us to the Lord that we do always remember Him and His atonement. Put it in perspective. The Lord is asking for so very little of your time and attention, and at the same time He asks you to remember Him always. Perhaps the "only 70 min" comment is for a consecrated and focused effort, a sacred and sanctifying effort...
  • Service – Our voices essential today, church, school, city, country. Duty to vote for honorable men/women willing to serve. Think "silent majority". We will be held accountable for our sins of omission. 
  • Service opens window by which we understand the life of Jesus Christ. Came to serve and to minister. If any man will know my will he will do my 
  • Jesus “went about doing good”.  And so must we!
  • We talk, rejoice, preach, prophesy, write of Christ. that our children may know...
  • Keep Christ the center of our lives at all times and in all places. All things are in His name! (church, baptism, confirmation, etc...)
  • ALWAYS remember Him. It's time to really live our religion! and do what we profess to do.
  • Christ is supreme, the righteous judge, advocate, Redeemer, shepherd, promised messiah, true friend... Our invitation is to know Him in all these ways! - Precious gift from our Father
  • Some activities must always be at the heart of our membership – succor the weak, lift of the hands that hang down, strengthen the feeble knees – Pure religion (spiritual and temporal need) requires we visit and assist others. This was preparation for the changes that were announced. We must do this in times of peace AND in adversity. It will come soon out of need, but the greater blessings will come if we do it first out of choice and pure love.
  • Treasure your membership and the many precious gifts of God. The world will ask you to toss it aside and mock it, but do not heed them. Where will you find another treasure so precious? No where! They certainly cannot offer you anything in exchange.
  • Be filled with love for others, see and meet needs and answer questions in clear and kind ways. You have to know the answers to be clear in your answers. Study.
  • What will be taught comes by inspiration. Do not see it as the workings of mortals. This is the Lord's will! Act in faith! 
  • A new clock has started - Today until the coming of the Lord!
  • Love, serve, and know the Master by following His example.
  • Receive  and treasure the gift and power of the Sabbath Day and the Lord Jesus Christ
  • Practice pure religion, undefiled....out of love for and with faith in Christ.
  • Believe that Christ is at the helm of this church and speaks to His prophet.
  • Believe in the power of even the smallest particle of faith in Christ.

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