Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Pres. Monson

I am trying a new format this year as I study the words of General Conference, due to time constraints. My study will include three parts: 

What they actually said: (the talk as printed with parts that stood out to me highlighted in yellow)

What I heard: (meaning, what the Spirit spoke to my mind and heart as I listened to "what they said". This, of course, is personal to me and may not be what you heard or what the speaker actually intended to share. I only share as a matter of interest. It is going to be influenced by my own world view, life experience and current thinking.) 

What I will do:(This too, is personal to me, and may not be what you feel impressed to do. Again, I share as a matter of interest.)

I share in this format in the hopes that the reader will be motivated to also read what they said, hear what the Spirit teaches you personally, and most important, that you will have the desire, faith , and courage to ACT on what you have been taught. 

I invite you to comment below any post to share what you have been taught and how you have acted and what you have learned.

D&C 43:8 "and now, behold, I give unto you a commandment, that when ye are assembled together ye shall instruct and edify each other, that ye may know how to act and direct my church, how to act upon the points of my law and commandments which I have given." 


Welcome to Conference

By President Thomas S. Monson
As we listen, may our hearts be touched and our faith increased.

My brothers and sisters, how pleased I am to welcome you to this great world conference. We are gathered together in locations around the world to listen to and learn from the brethren and sisters whom we have sustained as General Authorities and general officers of the Church. They have sought heaven’s help concerning the messages which they will present, and they have felt inspiration regarding what will be said.

This conference marks the 90-year anniversary of radio broadcasts of general conference. During the October conference of 1924, the sessions were broadcast on the radio for the first time through Church-owned KSL. This conference also marks the 65-year anniversary of television broadcasts of conference. At the general conference held in October 1949, the sessions were first televised throughout the Salt Lake area over KSL television.

We acknowledge the blessings of modern media in allowing millions of members of the Church to watch or listen to general conference. The sessions of this weekend are being broadcast via television, radio, cable, satellite transmission, and the Internet, including on mobile devices.

During the past six months since we last met, one new temple has been dedicated and one rededicated. In May, President Dieter F. Uchtdorf dedicated the Fort Lauderdale Florida Temple. A wonderful youth cultural celebration was presented the day prior to the dedication. The following day, on Sunday, May 4, the temple was dedicated in three sessions.

Just two weeks ago it was my privilege to rededicate the Ogden Utah Temple, originally dedicated in 1972 by President Joseph Fielding Smith. A grand cultural celebration took place the day before the rededication, with so many youth participating that two separate performances were presented, with a different cast for each. In all, 16,000 youth participated. The re-dedication services took place the following day, with many of the Brethren participating, along with the auxiliary leaders and the temple president, his counselors, and their wives.

Our temple building continues in earnest. Next month the new Phoenix Arizona Temple will be dedicated, and next year, in 2015, we anticipate dedicating or rededicating at least five temples, with more possible, depending on completion.

As I mentioned in April, when all the previously announced temples are constructed and dedicated, we will have 170 operating temples throughout the world. Because we are concentrating our efforts on completing temples which were previously announced, we are not at the present time announcing any new temples. However, in the future, as we identify needs and locate properties, announcements of additional temples will be made.

The Church continues to grow. We are now more than 15 million strong and increasing in numbers. Our missionary efforts are going forward unhindered. We have over 88,000 missionaries serving, sharing the gospel message the world over. We reaffirm that missionary work is a priesthood duty, and we encourage all worthy and able young men to serve. We are very grateful for the young women who also serve. They make a significant contribution, although they are not under the same mandate to serve as are the young men.

Now I invite you to give your attention to the brethren and sisters who will participate today and tomorrow in our conference sessions. All who have been asked to speak feel a great responsibility in doing so. As we listen, may our hearts be touched and our faith increased, I humbly pray in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

  • Pres. Monson is prophet for the world. We are gathered as the "family of God" to hear the Father's counsel for us in these Last Days.
  • "Seek and ye shall find...ask, and it shall be given unto you."
  • I sustained all those who will speak. In that act I committed to trust their inspired words the same as if I heard them from the Lord and to learn from them and act on them.
  • These words have the ability to be heard all over the world. The gospel IS being preached in ALL the world. That prophecy has been fulfilled.
  • Even though they didn't announce any new temples, we are still very much involved in temple building today and will be into the millennium. Considering Pres. Monson's caution in his Sept. First Presidency Message regarding our finances, it makes sense that they would not commit any future funds to temples until what they have committed to already is complete. The church is acting on its own counsel.
  • Formal missionary service is a priesthood duty; and all members are to share the gospel in their daily lives.
  • This opening talk was given on a Saturday morning. He invited us all to give our attention to the speakers. I was involved in a big project Saturday, but sat down next to the car radio with pad and pen; turning my attention to those who had prepared to speak. (This was a "better" choice; but I think "best" would have been to stay home) True...the talks are easily seen or read later, when it might be more convenient, but that is not what we were asked to do. I believe extra blessings of inspiration come to those who put their own interests aside (if at all possible) to hear the words of the Lord when first given.
  • Pres. Monson prayed our hearts would be touched and our faith increased. Our hearts are the seat of feeling and emotion. We rarely act without feeling something first. When we act, that is faith...that a desired outcome will be achieved. He laid the groundwork for faith by reminding us that the speakers have taken their assignments very seriously.  

  • Truly sustain the prophet as the mouthpiece for the Lord in these Latter Days in word and action.
  • Continue to give my attention to all the talks. Pray for inspiration and have faith I will receive it. Record the inspiration I feel when hearing and reading them and identify the actions needed.
  • Commit to act on the counsel given in either small and consistent ways, or immediate or large ways as dictated by the counsel being considered. 
  • Act in faith and with courage, even when it requires sacrifice, is unpopular or inconvenient.
  • Prayerfully look at the condition of my finances...what I have and what I expect to have and how I would fare if my income changed or was lost.
  • Find a large online community with an interest I share and join it. Become a part of the discussion and use it to share the gospel "in all the world".
  • Do not commit to expenses based on future income until I have taken care of the things I have already committed to.
  • Feel the great responsibility I have to do these things I have felt inspired to do.

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